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Posts posted by merzbot

  1. Kind regards,

    I was wondering if there were any alternatives to using a debit card for making purchases. Mainly I would like to avoid the 3% (or as much of it as possible) that comes with using a foreign card.

    Otherwise what are the best alternatives - traveller's checks, withdrawing large sums sparingly from atm's..?

    thankyou for any advice.

  2. merzbow - houjoe box

    keith rowe & toshimaru nakamura - between

    aaron dilloway - asset stripping lp

    government alpha - blast furnace

    religious knives - s/t lp

    incapacitants & sewer election - split lp

    wolf eyes - human animal

    the skaters & axolotl - split lp

    ashtray navigations - strawberries and ice

    afternoon penis - in the evening cs

    incapacitants - Pariah Tapes box

    choking in shit and decadence

  3. dont ever discuss you thoughts on forum..thats not what they are for is it? if you dont agree with me than fuck off from here right now...yeah alright mate, what a f**king donut really are..carry on you divvy.

    p.s to minya, yeah i did try it once with my first ever pair of sugar canes but couldnt carry on, it was driving me mad after about a month just the thought of how dirty they must be, albeit unseen dirt and mostly in my mind i would imagine.....so just washed them on cold wash and never did it with any of my other buys,


    no bollocks to you mate.

    --= wingadsfg

    p.s. you and frogmella still shampoo one another's genitals?

  4. Quote:

    drunken halo lans are always fun?

    --- Original message by Corbin Law on May 2, 2006 06:13 PM

    I'm a fan! First Halo on XBConnect with some Steel Reserve. None of this dual wielding, Xbox live, Halo 2 shit.

    --- Original message by psyence on May 2, 2006 06:36 PM

    nah fuck that mate. they both have their place even today. you must learn to adapt to more than one playing style.
  5. erm for melbbournutes, there is supposedly a picnic party happening in a week to demonstrate their appreciation foraussies, being as though imperial shipped out all of their stock without l]letting any of their own country people have a crack at them. bring ships and soda and or beer. frisbees will be supplied.

  6. Quote:

    um no. i just think that wearing them is a good idea. they're good jeans. plus they're boy jeans. so why not have boys making good jean decisions in the country that i live in?

    --- Original message by dedisastre on Mar 26, 2006 09:07 PM

    Stop by Minneapolis. I'll buy you a beer at the Triple Rock.

    For the record, I've yet to meet a single other person in the U.S. who gives two rat's asses about the jeans I'm wearing, and none of them certainly know about Nudies. They're a tough brand to be considered "overrated" over here.

    --- Original message by TB on Mar 27, 2006 04:06 PM

    can i take you up on this offer?

    ive heard people talking. they have wondered why you think you are so cool wearing plain levis jeans with partially torn off stitching. do you now believe less in your jeans?

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