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Music: Indie Folk


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i missed TMOE last time he played here. considered self harm.

You got any recommendations for me?

Recently i've been getting familiar with the Shearwater discography, before that Sun Kil Moon, Red House Painters and Mark Kozelek's solo stuff.

ALSO! one album that i try to to anyone with a taste for this genre is Cathedral by Castanets (PM me if you can't find it). The track 'No Light to be Found' is the one you want.

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also, which avett brothers albums would you recommend. say 2 or 3?

I;ve been smashing Sigh No More by Mumford and Sons recently. It's really easy to get into, and is massively catchy (hard not to like it). Though it does tend to wear out fairly quickly.

Hope i'm on the same page as you genre-wise here.

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I could get into this thread....

My favorite Avett Brothers album is The Second Gleam EP. "Murder In The City" is an amazing song.

I also really liked that Mumford and Sons album the first 3 of 4 listens, but I agree it def wore out quick.

lately I've been listening to:

Molina & Johnson (Jason Molina of Magnolia Electric Co and Will Johnson of Centro-Matic)

Lewis & Clarke

Old Canes - this new album isn't quite as good as the first

J Tillman

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haha yea i guess im not to up on older classic folk/bluegrass, but this thread could be open to older/new stuff ..

034936 i like emotionalism the most, also the new cd i and love and you is pretty good. you ever listen to bon iver? oh and youve been PMed

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Wow no mention of FLEET FOXES, not only the best indie folk band, but probably the best INDIE band right now. fuck your lame ass grizzly bears. Fuck your shitty animal collectives.


I figured that Fleet Foxes were pretty obvious. I did mention J Tillman early in the thread, He's their drummer. His 2 solo albums are incredible... If you haven't heard him check him out.

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are you looking for hometowns from 2008?

No, no I can just google that one. They released a three or four song demo in 2005 that kicked mad ass (back then at least) I'm not really into indie rock/folk anymore, but I have a huge amount of nostalgia for the song "the city" and I'd like to have a copy again.

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All Rattle and Dust

a little less folk, more roots-rock and blues but it fits in that down-home, rural sense...maybe a little more back-country moonshine. this was the older kid growing up around my area who ran through band after band after band. i think he's settled on this one now. 'Rider on Your Train' is killing it.

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