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Sugar Cane 1947s from HistoryPreserv...

Shorty Long

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Am I correct in thinking that the only length available, no matter what waist size you get, is 36"? That means that they would be 38" long prewash!!! I don't mind a cuff while I'm waiting for my jeans to fully shrink, but these would never shrink up to the 30" I wear. Hemming is an option, but I remember reading that you shouldn't shorten your jeans by more than 2".

Any shorter people out there have any experience with getting these jeans from HistoryPreservation?


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I'm 6'2" but even though when I got my 'Canes they were dragging on the floor. I was somewhat concerned. Would they actually shrink down enough? Well they did. Fortunately, I like all my trousers to break full at the bottom, not ridiculously so, but still full. I can wear these denims during a rain and they don't touch the ground; there's about an inch between the hem and the sidewalk, and since I usually wear boots, it's not a problem.

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I don't think nonsanforized jeans move the whiskers that much when they shrink. Normally, the total shrinkage lengthwise is 2 inches. If you're talking about the creases on the back of the knee, then they will move up 1 inch or so. The creases up from there will barely change their places. That's because the shrinking is proportional. So, if the creases on the back of the knee are 6 inches tall, and they move up one inch, it won't make much difference.

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Aside from the whiskers and honeycombs moving, the entire fit of the jeans changes. i like to wear my jeans so that they fit. I don't comprehend wearing jeans very baggy for 6 months then completely changing the fit of them by washing them. The fit difference is drastic. Two inches in the waist and 3 in the length? that's quite a change. The cold soak does not affect the color with jeans such as the canes. Looking back on my experiences with canes i would recommend a warm soak. This shrinks the jeans even more, making them fit nice and snug if you bought the right size.

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yo CL you should still be able to soak them.

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Yeah, CL, when you put them on weren't they way too long at the bottom? Or do you not mind really big cuffs? First thing I did was soak mine. I had to.

--- Original message by Edge_Of_Denim on Jan 6, 2006 06:38 AM


I dont really care about the cuff... just scared that my honeycombs and whiskers are gonna be fucked up if i dont soak em.

Ah! I'm scared to put my jeans in water!

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