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IC: Dior Homme Size 28 Indigo Raw Jeans MIJ 21cm


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I have a pair of worn Diors that I want to get rid of, I want to start with a fresh new pair. These have been washed ONCE, honeycombs whiskers and fading all very noticeable. The back left pocket is starting to form a small rip near the right side. Check pics for details:







16.5" waist

10" thigh

7.5" hem

I just want to see if anyone would be interested, not sure about a price yet or if I really want to get rid of these, but PM me offers if you want, thanks!

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PM's replied to.

Here are the measurements:

16.5" waist

10" thigh

7.5" hem

All of those who are interested and have PMed me, I will get back to you by the end of the week at latest.

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You've gotta have a firm asking price homeboy, forum rulez.

This is just an interest check for now, I will post a firm asking price when I have decided to sell these for sure.

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