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Everything posted by mstax

  1. Thanks, but might need a 48 as well for a little extra space. Good luck selling!
  2. I’m looking for one myself and also doubting between a 46 and 48. What are the measurements on this one?
  3. That’s a nice shirt! You know if it’s cotton stitched?
  4. Does anyone know if Freewheelers uses all 100% cotton thread on the denim garments? I’m on the verge of getting a 506xx 1946 model and I want 100% cotton thread stitching but none of the webshops mention that.
  5. Interesting, I have never seen that on original ones. Maybe it was an option? Or only done on some pieces in the past?
  6. Does anyone know why the buttons on most jeans and jackets by FW are enamel plated? Seems just a few denim pieces don’t have that and I don’t understand the ‘rule’. I mean the 1933 506 is enamel plated, the 1946 not, but the 507 jacket is.
  7. For those who are curious, I found a page with some comparison pics between the 506xx 1933 and 1946: https://www.thewildone.jp/item/freewheelers_lot506xx1st1933_indigodenim-vanishingwest-nonwash/
  8. So, I'm in for either the 1933 or the 1946 version, leaning more to the 1946 version because of the denim colour. Does anybody know the exact differences in denim? And also cut? I've looked online and it says the 1933 is a red cast denim, so can I expect a more green cast (which I generally like more) for the 1946? Also, the buttons on the 1933 seem to have an enamel coating which the 1946 does not seem to have. Also, I double checked with the webshop to see if all threads are 100% cotton stitched. At first I got the reply that all is 100% cotton, except the buttonholes which are core spun polycotton for durability. But, after then I had another email that they checked with Freewheelers and they say all is 100% cotton thread, including the buttonholes (which I prefer). Many questions
  9. Hmm ok. Well the fit on you looks fine to me! Now I am in doubt, 46 or 33 version. I do like the buttons on the 27 and usually I’m in for short and boxy but can’t find the 27 in a size 48, the other two I can.
  10. Looking good! Isn’t that the 1933-1934 model? Or is the 1927 another one? Edit: checked it and indeed another jacket. What’s the difference between the 33 and 27 apart from the buttons?
  11. Thanks, that helps a lot! Was leaning towards the FW, so this justifies that thought. FW’s denim is all 100% cotton thread stitching right?
  12. If the tab was removed, you should be able to see that I think. Ask for some closer photos of the area where the tab should have been. See if there is some red fabric left between the fabric layers in case they cut it off. Or in case they undid the stitching to remove it, you also should be able to see that in the stitch lines on the pocket. Normally that stitch should be continuous. If someone undid the stitching to remove the tab and then restitched it, you should see that. It also could be a sample maybe?
  13. I am looking to get a type 1 jacket and I am contemplating the FW 506xx 46-47 or the Fullcount 2107 jacket. Since I have never handled both brands, does anyone know how these compare?
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