J118-WS is.. interesting. They upgraded the J25-WS with features from the J81, and then added bonus things to show off your spikes and wear your hood like a mask. I dunno, maybe someone wants to look like an Elden Ring character but IMO the J81 was a superior design as far as hem style and pocket layout. The thumb cuff thing is definitely more durable on the 25/118, but I also prefer the look/feel of the 81's version of it. I think it's also a lot easier folding the 81 into the little package with the zipper pouch design, but the 25's middle pocket approach does make it a sleeker blob when once it's all in there. I do like that they went back to putting the clips back on it cause I generally clip to the outside of my bag when I travel and never hang it from the sling unless it's actually unfurled into a jacket.