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Everything posted by unionmade

  1. Here we go. SC1966 New pair (34x 34) vs old pair (33 x 34). Same tags and both should be one washed (even though the seller said raw for the new pair).
  2. Just bought a new pair of the 1966. It's tagged SC42966A. The guy at the store said they were raw, but I thought all the 1966 were one washed (my old pair is). Anyone know? Maybe the A in the end of the lot is for Raw? Couldn't find more info at Toyo.
  3. Anyone got the SD502? Looks like a straight and great fit. 50s inspired? https://www.dartisan-onlineshop.com/SHOP/SD-502.html
  4. 6,5 (197cm) buddy? @yung_flynn we should swap jeans hehe
  5. Oh dear... Just got a pair of SC42460 (although very short inseam for a 34" SC). New wishlist..
  6. stoked to see how the black evolve. Do you own a 66' from SC? Got the same size?
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