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Posts posted by dwilson123

  1. I think tanuki will do just fine. Redditors will eat this stuff up like they do oni. If I was starting brand I'd look to the demographic that's gonna pull the most volume and that's def Reddit these days.

    I might add that if the brand has created such a stir (amongst industry insiders such as retailers no less) it's still creating buzz. No press is bad press and all that... Unless you're lawless denim et al.


    I think the jeans are too bland and uninteresting for the typical reddit user's tastes.  Generally whacky weight or slub is what sells over there.

  2. I think in Ben's case he wouldn't ride in the jacket so the side buckles aren't required.  But I get your point that it is better for customizing the fit for your own body.  I think sometimes the buckles look good and sometimes bad.  Like on a very busy jacket already adding buckles I think makes it look off for my personal tastes.  But for some of TFH's more basic jackets I think the buckles add a bit of interest.


    That SRJ-06A jacket is beautiful btw Ben.  That flannel lining is pretty sweet.  I still think this one from SE is my favorite TFH jacket of all time.  I'm just not into the biker aesthetic enough to pull off a black cafe racer.



  3. Welp looks like I am in fact moving to Orange County.  I'm chasing a dream I had since I was in middle/high school and accepted employment at Blizzard as a software developer.  Moving out in August.  I guess on the plus side I'll be close'ish to SELA but the downside is cost of living is so high I won't be able to afford to go :)

  4. I've actually been using button flys for a really long time.  Even prior to wearing raws.  My favorite pair of jeans in high school were a pair of Express jeans with a button fly.  I never really used the method of unzipping my fly and using my underwear fly to piss so it never really saved me any time having it.  In fact I find the button fly easier and more reliable to go to the bathroom than the zip fly.  And anymore it takes no time at all to button my pants.  Occasionally with zip flys my boxers would get stuck in the zipper and once that happens all the time savings of the zipper are gone having to wrestle the cloth out for a minute.

  5. one thing I will say about Denimio and OD, they both have the shittiest websites i've ever browsed through. I mean Jesus H. Christ, it takes forever just to load product info.


    Probably because they undercut the price of their IT.  How can us B&M IT workers hope to compete when you can stand a website up overseas so much cheaper and it works everywhere around the globe!

  6. Also, how in the world do places that under-value their exports on shipping forms not get caught after, like, five minutes? Export/shipping officers who look over these really don't do ten-second Google searches on stuff? This seems like a huge legal liability for businesses like Denimio.


    I assume it is such small potatoes it would cost more to litigate and enforce customs than they'd actually make back

  7. Yeah I did not care for the Strike Gold prints this go around.  You bought my favorite but I'd like it better if it didn't have the Indian portrait on the front.


    I like some of the t-shirts Tenryo is putting out but I'm not sure how the quality/fit/material compares to TSG

  8. I'm not sure how they're hindering your purchase options - how are they stopping you buying directly from Japan?

    I think some brands have tried this (e.g. Real McCoy) but any savvy internet shopper knows there are ways around this.

    The B&M stores are generally also online stores so if anything they are embracing the opportunities of additional delivery channels. For me, living in the UK, Self Edge may as well only be an online shop and it has made that option very easy for me.


    I think the issue is "Where does it end?"  If you're fine and dandy conceding Denimio because they make no bones about their overseas shipping strategy why is the line drawn at buying directly from Klax-On or another Japanese retailer on Rakuten?

  9. IMO, if you need rules changed and lobbying done for your business to stay profitable and relevant that means you either have a flawed business strategy or someone has simply found a better way of doing the business you're doing.  I hate it when giant telecom companies lobby the US Government to stay relevant and I have the same feeling about even small companies like retailers who carry Japanese brands strong arming those brands because someone has found a better way of selling their products.  The market should be open to competition.  Let the people buying decide what they value.

  10. Well after spending 4 days with my 3009s I have to admit defeat. I've never had this problem with Flat Heads before (3002, 3001, BSP), but these tagged 32s are simply a 31 in reality. I'm a clear 32 waist (I've even lost 8-10 pounds of weight around my mid section this year!) and this top block is too tiny. I'll be listing them for sale at 50% off and ordering a size up. It sucks but so does wearing jeans that are too small and look disproportionate


    I sized 2 up I think on my 3009s.  I'm pretty much always a 30 in jeans but I went 32 on my 3009s and they fit like a glove.

  11. The collabs are usually tight fits or at least aggressively tapered, but I'd contend that this is because the shop knows its customers. These are the cuts which, across all brands, sell that much quicker than looser cut repro styles. Personally, I like the strong sense of style that SE has cultivated. Not to everyone's taste but you know if something fits with the shop's ''brand'' or not.


    Agree here.  SE knows that a ton of Japanese brands love their repro fits so they just make sure they tailor the garment to appeal to the Western buyers.  Like it sounds like with their latest Strike Gold collab they've realized that the Japanese manufacturers are missing out on these "lifters cut" jeans so they're working with TSG to make a pair.  Personally I think its great.  Just like how I love my SE x IH jacket because its a Type-3 which is actually long enough in the body to be functional.

  12. I'm going to see if the SExTSG collab interests me or if the denim is just too weird for my tastes.  If they don't interest me I'll probably just wear my Flat Heads until they fall apart and probably replace them with some TSG 1105s.  The back pocket on my Flat Heads is starting to really wear thin and I generally just buy new jeans instead of sending them off to be repaired.

  13. One of the sides of TFH's arcs are mostly disintegrated and the other half is relatively in decent shape.  I actually dig the asymetrical look.  But its also very obvious that the cause of the asymmetry is because of wearing not a design purpose which is why I think I like it.  Doubt I'd buy a pair of jeans with only one pocket being arced.

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