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Posts posted by Eyealt

  1. Met Travis Barker right outside Harrods. I was talking to a buddy about some of the cars parked outside and noticed a tatted up guy taking pictures of the Merc 6x6. It clicked that it was him and I got his attention as he moved over and took a picture of an Aventador. Chatted for a bit with him. Super chill guy- he ended up asking me questions about what I was studying and I bounced a few off him as well. Really cool experience. 

  2. T3i would be perfect for you. I'm a Nikon fanboy but my buddy has a T3i and we've shot video with it quite a bit. 1080p, easy to work with, lightweight and good for a beginner. You can get them relatively cheap now too which is a major plus. 


    Grab a 50mm 1.8 while you're at it. Cheap as can be and using it manually is good for both video and photos. 

  3. would a pair of made in japan levis run smaller? or is that all over the place too?

    Can't say I've got experience with their MiJ stuff, but if the jeans are made anything like a lot of clothes for the Asian market Id expect them to run a bit smaller. Don't take my word on that though.

    The Japanses made stuff is probably of a higher caliber in terms of construction so maybe they're more consistent/have less QC issues.

  4. In South Ken there's a place called Margaux which I have eaten at a few times and each time has been a really pleasant meal. It is a bit on the pricier side (not wickedly) and doesn't exactly fall under the Italian category (it's European cuisine so French is probably in the mix somewhere) you mentioned but it's a place I'd really recommend if you're not deadset on food strictly from those two regions. Really great staff, fast wifi and a quiet but not stale environment to do business if you need to. 


    Here's the site: http://barmargaux.co.uk/


    Gaucho also has wifi and a really chic interior but is also a bit $$$. Excellent food there too, a bit louder and it's a steakhouse so not under your region requisites either (my bad).     


    Site if you do want: http://www.gauchorestaurants.co.uk/restaurants/restaurant.php?id=piccadilly



    I can't say that I've been to too many Italian and/or French places fit for a business kind of function but I could PM you if anyone sends me a rec. Sorry I don't have anything meeting the criteria bang on but Margaux kinda fits and really is good. Make a reservation there for sure though.


    Also calf cramps.  I'm steadily increasing the distance I run after work, but I'm starting to get leg cramps much more frequently now... Need to buy more bananas.


    When you get one point your toes upwards and jut your leg forward as hard as you can. Someone told me about this, I felt one coming on when i was in bed and tried the leg kick. Cramp = gone instantly. Ymmv of course.

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