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Posts posted by chicote

  1. ^^Thanks for the input guys! My jeans are just finishing drying right now. I was worried about the smell so I took great liberty in handwashing them in fresh water when I got back. So far, they actually smell okay, but I have no doubt they're still as dirty as they were before. There are a few very sharp whiskers coming in, as well as some less pronounced combs and a bit of seat fading. Oh well, I had fun!

  2. Thanks lance! I'm working here as a travelling caretaker in a Western Cape township (a post-Apartheid colored community, basically). Been here a month and I have a week more to go, then I'm headed to Jaipur for a cross-country trip through India, picking up odd jobs along the way. Eventually I'm making stops in Thailand, Cambodia, Ecuador and Peru before coming back to the States late next April. And hey, it's not an unreachable dream you've got, you're only a plane ticket away! I found that travelling in the past, escaping the monotony of life in America, has been the most liberating thing I've ever done. If you have a couple grand to spare and can stand to fully immerse yourself in a new culture, living by their means, you have the world at your fingertips.

  3. Why do you say that? I've heard good and awful things about ocean washing, and I know it's not in line with most of the "purist" ideology but with these jeans I figured why not? I'm going to be travelling in them for the next seven months and they will be beaten to dust regardless! Plus I've just ordered a pair of Red Clouds that I'm planning on taking good care of, so until then I figure I can have fun with these. Anyway, what drives the negative consensus on ocean washing here?

  4. qSJjYT6.jpg




    Levis / Momotaro x Japan Blue / Red Wing


    Hi everyone! I'm new to SF but it seems you guys have an awesome community here. Pretty limited in my clothing selection in South Africa (only brought 4 shirts with me), but this was taken earlier this morning prior to my ocean wash. I'll post pictures once my jeans have finished drying!

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