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Posts posted by kampongkid

  1. any stockists in the states? I saw the tweet about the Brooklyn shop, but it looks like they're in store only. I emailed em and am waiting to hear back.

    edit- thanks for the link, but a lot of those shops have old stock which makes me think they aren't keeping up with the newer seasons.

  2. i don't think the other harness that was up at the time was right either (both were about 10,000 yen for reference).


    part that gets me is where he says the first two pics aren't his own when its completely obvious the other pics were ripped from yahoo. says it fits him well, but its almost guaranteed to not have arrived to him yet hence the extended listing.

  3. yeah I've spent a lot of time riding it out on a ladder with that one power up that spawns ghosts of every enemy onscreen. it's really useful when shit gets hectic.

    I think you get him by repairing so many drones.. 45 iirc. he was one of my first unlocks.

    game becomes pretty addictive- I think I've got about 40hrs logged.

  4. it's all about getting lucky with the drops. I faired best with the engineer I think- he's got a good mix of mines and homing projectiles. man, I can't wait for it to come out on the vita.

    edit- oops new page. in regards to risk of rain

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