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Posts posted by Hsin8

  1. This thread triggered other hsin8 and now he won't come out to S rank and 100% the new PC Port of Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes to get all the achievements within 24 hours of release anymore


    thanks a lot

  2. Who up for a kickstarter start-up that sells fedoras embroidered with the little pot leaves, pentagrams and triangles to bring 'classy menswear with a street edge' to the masses?


    6666 dollar stretch goal: new order album covers and sequins

  3. Volunteer for charity or similar work, visit some events(art galleries, modelkit conventions, readings or even the gym) or about any shit you're passionate about on your own and look for people who are on their own, too. Talk up some people. You'll never know who'll stick around so dont be shy.


    Just remember everyone's looking for friends and people to get along with, not just you.

    It's not like they've got a list in their head that says 'nope, full'.



    You know, the term executive coach always struck me weird. It has almost something business-like to it. As if this dude was a businessman.


    The way it was always presented to me I thought it was just some dude talking to a bunch of other losers in a community center seminar.


    I got curious and looked at the Real Social Dynamics website and holy shit




    so yeah think about it.


    Free Trial to give you a little taste


    25 bucks a month as a low cost option for the people who can't afford the box sets. Also gives access to forum and community so a monthly subscription is interesting for all customers.


    400 bucks for a box set of dvds and you don't even have to worry about distribution and retail middlemen cause people just order directly from you so you make a hella killing. Pricing it that high even lends it credibility because people are dumb.


    If you're a super nerd you can buy the other box sets as well. There's another two not pictured, by the way. Probably 5-6 in total. This gives people the option to sink as much money into their idea at their own liberty. Recent trends like Kickstarter and free to play games like Kim K Hollywood and Candy Crush have proven the effectiveness of variable pricing and that there are whales for anything out there.


    Yeah to me this sounds like a smart business model designed to prey on internet nerds and the recent social media shitstorm only sought out more like minded dumbos straight to his website. And if you could even got 200 of those million people to buy a single dvd box set, that's already 73.800 USD in the bank in almost pure winnings from doing nothing at all and if they are impressed with his product they might even come back for more or recommend it to their friends.


    But even if Blanc is only pretending because he realizes that there is a demand for this kind of shit to make money off them,

    it's still wrong and a shitty thing to do. It gives people with warped moral and value compasses confirmation, or even worse, makes some weaker individuals buy into his shit after seeing him on TV and the internet.


    You could argue that if RSD isn't profiting of those people, others are going to do it anyway, but that still doesn't make this right.


    And about the visa ban... remember when the NBA banned Air Jordans...?


    also sorry if autism

  5. FiENuIX.jpg


    Again, there's no correct way to wear anything and looks are completely subjective, I am sorry if my essay-length rambling came off as trying to pass off my own opinion as fact.


    I know stuff like this easily ridiculed and it's fun and all but can we please stop now?




    edit: ah you know what fuck it that post and this whole convo was hella dumb and inappropriate. truth is im stuck in a rough spot rn and this was my outlet to work some shit off. I can laugh at it now. Won't edit it out either, naturally. Gonna take a little break.


    Sorry guys, I really am.

  6. No I just like talking clothes and wanted to bring something up I noticed more than once.


    bomber jacket + docs

    practical + old 


    yes the post was mind-numbingly and unnecessarily long, but when I type I get a little dramatic.


    I don't claim to be authentically dressed myself or that it the historical authenticity of an outfit is directly linked to the value of an outfit, nor was I trying to put anyone down it's just a little thing I noticed.

  7. dy0wZzE.jpg



    Dude you look good in a way that would appeal to a lot of people if you like dressing this way very much and it makes you happy I am also very happy for you, but 

    I wanted to say it the last time someone wore a bomber with leather derbies (uc ma-1 with 1461s iirc) but I'm going to say what's been bothering me for a while now instead and maybe you'll change your views too:


    Unless you want to sort of look a little more like a skin for whatever reason (which I doubt), 

    the combination of a bomber jacket with traditional leather shoes makes no fucking sense at all.


    You see, conventionally, a typical MA-1 style jacket (well, yours has an asymmetric zip which is a detail I personally loathe on bomber jackets but it's still very much a bomber jacket) is constructed out of water-resistant and a tough nylon and is designed to ensure unobstructed movement inside a cramped space (cockpits which gradually got smaller as aviation technology got more advanced).

    It's the embodiment of a new age of garments out of new materials and new conditions we have to shield ourselves from. 


    Durable, Unobtrusive/Light, Warm/Safe.


    The Bomber Jacket emerged in the post ww2 jet age when the western world has slowly recovered from shock the horrors of the senseless bomb war in europe, brutalist architecture with its raw honesty popped up left and right, in another 20 years mankind would have shot gigantic steel tubes strapped with explosives to the moon to let some dude walk up on there for a few minutes. 


    Later, the bomber jackets found their way into civilian wear and are still used today for their practicality and durability.



    Now your shoes are styled after victorian era leather shoes with an cushioned orthopedic sole tacked on.

    It makes for a great casual leather shoe when you want to dress up a bit not, but compared to the wealth of shoes we have available today, they are uncomfortable with prolonged use, have to be kept dry because of the leather and are quite heavy and clunky to walk in.


    So all in all, the only parts of your outfit worth noting where the eyes are drawn to, the outermost layer and your shoes, don't get along at all.


    The only coherence between those two items is the most shallow of them all, color, and honestly it makes you look really silly.

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