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Posts posted by Ghoul

  1. what is the difference between APC Petit New Standards and the old Petit Standards?

    Actually I think its a rework of the New Standards. Like a slightly slimmer version of the NS.

  2. the only pair of raws that i have are the tight long john's from nudies (24 x 32) and i love how they fit. I've been itching to start a new project though, I was wondering if i could get any other suggestions for some pairs. I'm 5'1 at 98 lbs, and suprisingly i don't mind all the stacking i get from my Nudies, although 32L would be the longest i wouldl go. Would the PBJ 1069s work?

    Those would work, as would the xx-011/13s from PBJ. Railcar has loads of raws for women as well.

  3. Oops, since I am new I guess my gallery isn't up. I get a message that I do not have permission. I'll give a try tomorrow

    It looks like you took the URL from your computer. You'll have to upload those pictures to an image hosting site(Imgur works for me) and then post them here with bb code.

    Hope that helps!

  4. Just got a pair of the deep indigos in 15 oz. from a styleforum member. It's noticeably darker than the dirty fades I got. And it's super stiff. Strange how just the extra oz. makes it feel substantially different. I wanted to try out the 23 oz. as well, but after these, don't know if I'd be up for it.

    Not just the weight, but its a whole different denim all together.

  5. fuark, now I can rock ele3's for the HWDC2. can't wait. don't get why people bash N&F. hoping these come in at under $200. B)

    FW13, I doubt they'll be out in April :(

    But they probably will be under $200 considering they old ones were like $165!

  6. After I wrote that last night, I washed them and put them in the dryer. I put them on a few minutes ago and they fit great now.

    I don't have an issue with Ande. The purchasing experience was perfect. The jeans are perfect. I'd buy from him again, but perhaps a size down.

    Happy they fit ;), I'd hate for a pair to go to waste!

    Probably gonna end up being my next pair. Keep us updated!

  7. "sold" is a verb; don't need to stick "got" before it.

    Sorry... [/grammarnazi]

    All good, I think I was writing one sentence, and then randomly started another one half way through, I ended up using two different tenses aswell :P

  8. Mine arrived!

    I suspect they're mis-marked, or mis-sized, though. I ordered a 32, which is supposed to be 33", but they came in at 34". I soaked them, which shrunk them to about 33", but they stretched out within two hours to the point that I had to pull them up all day. I have belts, of course, but I dunno if that's really going to solve the overall problem.

    I'm not going to bother with fit pics. These might just collect dust in my closet.

    Is the waist the only thing that's too big? If that's the case a belt WOULD solve the problem.

    If you ordered one size, and got the wrong size, why not contact Ande and let him know, while his site says no returns if it was a mistake on the manufacturerers part, I'm sure he would have been more than happy to help.

    Also, why let them collect dust? If you're not happy with them why not try to sell them?

  9. xxx~*LIK DIS IF U CRY EVERTIM*~xxx

    I'll probably go for the refund then wait till my pair is a bit more faded.

    i cried evrtime.

    Those Momos will probably be pretty nice though, wonder what they'll look like.

  10. Of course right after I ask, they send me a reply ;)

    Just throwing this info up about the new jeans


    Very fitted jean with a slight taper. Medium rise. 13.5oz broken twill sanforized denim.


    Roomy in the top of the jean but with a significant taper to the leg openings, medium rise, 13.5oz right hand twill sanforized denim

    New King:

    A Relaxed jean. A generally straight leg with a slight taper toward the leg opening. Medium rise, 14oz (60/40 - cotton/hemp) right hand twill sanforized denim)

  11. Of course right after I ask, they send me a reply ;)

    Just throwing this info up about the new jeans


    Very fitted jean with a slight taper. Medium rise. 13.5oz broken twill sanforized denim.


    Roomy in the top of the jean but with a significant taper to the leg openings, medium rise, 13.5oz right hand twill sanforized denim

    New King:

    A Relaxed jean. A generally straight leg with a slight taper toward the leg opening. Medium rise, 14oz (60/40 - cotton/hemp) right hand twill sanforized denim)

  12. Please forgive my ignorance but is the 005 most like a 19cm fit? If not then which model is?


    Definitely not.

    You're gonna wanna check out the XX-013/11/"whatever the one with the blue weft is" for a 19cmish cut.

  13. I asked in the Imperial thread, but I suppose I'll ask here to.

    Kiya, have you heard anything about the 3 new cuts from Imperial? I sent them an email and haven't heard anything back in around two weeks, and after purusing the Imperial Thread, I see they don't update anything very often.

    Also, will there be a restock on the SExI14s or is what's there all that's left?


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