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Posts posted by seeldog47

  1. Blu Ray pick ups this week I saw Nymphomaniac, Watched the new Criterion Editions of Hard Day's Night, Scanners, Il Sorpasso, L'eclisse and Life Aquatic. All are great and the Criterions hold up extremely well, but I'm not as fond of L'eclisse as much as I was when I saw it last about 10 years ago. Life Aquatic however has aged much better. I blind bought Under The Skin because I love Jonathan Glazers work, but have heard very negative things about it. The soundtrack is great though so I'm sure i'll still like it. 


    L'eclisse and L'avventura are both overrated however La Notte is a masterpiece. Also Under the Skin is exceptionally cinematic and my most favorite new movie I've seen in a longtime (I saw it in theaters 5 days in a row.)

  2. MV5BMTYzNDc2MDc0N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTcw

    stuff...the acting from the main character was really weak in some points. especially in that god awful shed scene where they're talking about pussy and shit like wtf was that? still a movie everyone should go see as there's some relatable scenes and just based on the technical achievement.

    Specifically it shows how Mason, someone with artistic tendencies, does not fit into his hometown culturally/intellectually, and in general how awful average teenage boys can be. As Linklater grew up in a small Texas town, it does not seem like too much of a stretch to believe he lifted the scene straight out of his childhood.


    On a side note how awful was that soundtrack.

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