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Posts posted by froople

  1. Accept the feelings. Let them run thru you. Then go and bang another girl. Get over your oneitis and realize she's doing w/e the fuck she wants, why shouldn't you? Focus on the now - obsessing over the future just makes you anxious as fuck, esp with girls who you have 0 chance with right now due to location (from what I understand from your post).



    1. dont do drugs


    2. probably. but why bitches gotta be creeped out y'know



    Start doing drugs. Ok jk. Sounds like you ok with talking with people on a day to day basis, so you just gotta up your presence. You gotta make your intentions known if you want them to text back. Leave on a 'we're getting drinks soon, I'll text you' kinda line Where you going to uni btw?

  2. Sashiko Tabi, size 43 - I'm a 42 and they still fit pretty perfectly. I'm gunna say they fit 41.5-43 - they can fit quite a smaller foot for various construction reasons.


    Beautiful woven outer and typical Visvim shape. Sturdy, but comfy as hell. Really love these but they don't get enough love to justify keeping. Looking for $650 $600 FIRM.







  3. Sashiko Tabi, size 43 - I'm a 42 and they still fit pretty perfectly. They run a bit big so I'm gunna say they fit 41.5-43.5.


    Really love these but they don't get enough love to justify keeping. Looking for $600.





    Updated info + more pics

  4. Sashiko Tabi, size 43 - I'm a 42 and they still fit pretty perfectly. They run a bit big so I'm gunna say they fit 41.5-43.5.


    Really love these but they don't get enough love to justify keeping. Looking for $650.







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