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merry burger

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Posts posted by merry burger

  1. ^ i thought the womens looked better than the mens but i haven't handled anything so idk.

    can i grab the easy pants in light gray anywhere? slept but i want.

    thought i saw them at flagship 5th ave store the other day. might want to call them first though.

  2. The women's UU stuff was beyond awful. Drop waists, caftan-style tunics, cropped pants... perfect for middle-aged moms pretty much.

    I did, however, get a black rider on sale ($99 down to $39) in a small and a black easy jacket (I think $19) in an XS. Both are surprisingly flattering on a girl, but the rider is a bit too big on me. Anyone have a black rider in an XS that wants to trade for a small?

    By the way, for anyone that's interested in those MIckey tees, they're going to be available in NY on June 4. :)

  3. I went to the lamest benefit reception tonight. The worst part about free wine is people who get drunk on it and grab your arm while talking about the dumbest shit ever with their face about 1 inch away from yours. And they spit while talking. And their spit gets into your mouth while you're fake-smiling.

  4. Mildly drunk Avengers (non-spoiler) review:


    Fuckability rating: A+. Aussie accent. Cool hammer thing and controls lightning. Fuck yeah. Done and done.


    Fuckability rating: A. When did Mark Ruffalo get this gray? Feels like just yesterday that he was that kid with glasses in Eternal Sunshine. Still... yeah. Would bang and have pizza with him afterwards while wearing his hoodie. Hell yeah.

    Captain America

    Fuckability rating: C+. Too perfect-looking. Like, if we got naked and he looked at my soft lumpy body, we'd get embarrassed and giggle and say, "What are we doing here? You and me? Together?" and then later I'd sob into my pillow and eat ice cream and hate myself.

  5. Amare is so frustrating...

    Shumpert gets himself super riled up and makes himself get hulksmash-angry at the player he's defending, which results in him being really aggressive defensively and beasting out on the court.

    Amare, on the other hand, gets himself all riled up to punch inanimate objects, put cornrows in his hair, and act like a passive aggressive baby, e.g. exhibit A above. :rolleyes: Can't really get behind that.

    I know he had a lot of personal calamities this season, but can't let that make you act unprofessionally.

  6. Haha hope so. Making up for it now - had a pot cookie and am waiting for Avengers to start at IMAX 3D. :)

    vv Edit: starts in 20 minutes! Phone off after I type this! vv

  7. bibby actually made some pretty crucial 3s last night and has been pretty great with rebounds. but yeah the knicks are down to him and toney douglas for pg now, right? scary.

    watching the slow-mo replays of baron's knee pop out was awful though... worse than looking at amare's cactus hand. poor guy's probably done.

    also what is up with landry looking as useless out there as jeffries?

  8. blech


    damn that's nasty.

    i'm hoping woodson is whipping those knicks back into shape for tomorrow's game. they were looking like straight-up d'antoni style knicks the other night. bad passing, horrible defense, you know you're in trouble when bibby is one of your strongest players on the court.

  9. Zookeeper Saves Tiny Monkey By Licking Its Butt Until it Poops. Seriously.



    So Zhang Bangsheng takes care of this monkey, and several days ago he let him enter the monkey exhibit for the first time. The following day, Zhang noticed that the monkey had "indigestion and difficulty defecating," and it was then that he noticed there were peanut shells on the ground in the exhibit. He realized that zoo visitors had tossed some peanuts to the monkey, and "the toothless monkey swallowed the peanut whole." Eeeee. Zhang knew that if the monkey couldn't pass the peanut quickly, it could be in danger of dying. So, he did what any professional would do, something that generated what is perhaps my favorite paragraph ever to be typed in the English language:

    50-year-old Zhang Bangsheng used warm water to clean a small Francois' Leaf Monkey's buttocks, then began using his mouth to lick it, not stopping for over an hour, until the little monkey defecated a single peanut. Only after the peanut was defecated did Zhang Bangsheng laugh with satisfaction.
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