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Posts posted by usher

  1. ... "i like house music. like has to be SHM, Avicci, calvin harris type house music"...




    ... "yea i dont even want to know what actual house is then. probs wont like it anyway"...

  2. try to get in contact with a current undergrad or recent grad and see what they think. i'm pretty sure reddit is good for this sort of thing (lol)


    mining is pretty specialised, so it's pretty much centred upon mining itself - most likely you'll end up in the middle of nowhere and in the dirt as a fresh graduate. there are also possibilities to land jobs gas/petroleum/anything exploiting natural resources.


    elec/mech/civil grads can also work in mines if they want, to provide their services - mining grads can't really do the reverse. sometimes civil grads are re-trained as pure mining engineers, so all their hard work studying statics/structures is left behind lol

  3. computer engg if you like electrical/electronics engineering. some programming too - i have no clue about job prospects/diversity


    civil engg: structural if you like analysing trusses/beams (buildings and bridges). geotech if you like studying cement/soil/rocks/water. geotechnical engg may open more doors


    i hated half of those and went into mining engineering

  4. follow up on the common projects knock offs for those who care and are willing to forego dignity to cop


    i wear 42 in CPs and bought a 43 in these. they are somewhat roomy in the toebox (forefoot is not as pointed as CPs), but the width is just fine (and i have fat feet). wearing normal socks seems to let these fit just fine.


    the sole is practically the same length as achilles in size 42 (~12 inches). there is about a thumb width of space between the front tip and my big toe - same as the achilles.


    • silhouette is not exactly the same. it's a chunkier shoe all around - even the rubber sole is a little thicker around the stitched edge.
    • the sole itself is also a knock off of the CP sole (i have no idea what they're called)
    • the insole is leather and is glued in but doesn't fit as flush as that of CPs (minor gripe)
    • there is some gold embossment inside (topman branding and '55001506' on the side)
    • heel stitching looks a little dodgy as you can see. it only extends up a tiny bit
    • they are sort of creaky when i walk around in them. will probably stop once they are broken in
    • laces aren't straight laced like CPs. i've made the mistake of criss-crossing a pair of achilles once and the wrinkle/stress point at the forefoot and toeline was all fucked up. not sure if that is a problem for this shoe.


    they are made in portugal, if that means anything





  5. BcYz7mc.jpg






    already own several pairs of CPs but felt like getting these anyway. best achilles knock off i've spotted imo, but i'm wary of the sizing (whether it runs big like CPs or not idk, i ordered tts) and also the insole (whether it is leather or not).


    i ordered with 20% off and free shipping at the time, came to $90-something aud

  6. ARdJEYQ.jpg


    these are the shoes i got. $99+15 postage, best thing i can get in australia for the price (our only do-wins hookup is $160 total...). was a little hesitant, but i figured if its made for the australian weightlifting federation (awf), it should be pretty good. sorta fugly tho



    i run a 5x5 novice program, 3x a week and squatting every day and adding 5lb every day until stalling (which happens to be semi-frequent)


    still very much a novice and had major 'stalls' during the year (injuries to anterior hip and lower back) but i fixed up my form and am practically injury free atm. lower back injury was in october and my 5x5 atg squat is now at 110kg


    my lower back can still sometimes get tight, and my outer ankles started to hurt the other day after squats, so i'm hoping these WL shoes can help out a bit

  7. anyone gone from flat sneakers to oly weightlifting shoes for a2g high bar squats? i just bought some wooden sole WL shoes, 1 inch elevated heel, yet to receive in the mail


    i've been squatting in these nikes lately, and for the most part i don't have any problems reaching depth, but i find my heels sometimes come up by about 1cm during the concentric. my lower back is also sometimes prone to a hammering, but thats not to say that i good morning out the hole


    what sort of progress did you guys make in the switch to WL shoes? and how immediate or gradual was it?



  8. do u guys prefer pendlay rows (from the floor, pull to lower chest) or convential BB rows (hanging the bar at thighs/knees, pull to navel/upper abs)????


    i feel like pendlays are more practical since they train for explosiveness, but I just cant get any damn progress on them (i've been through so many weight deloads)

  9. how do you guys feel about using stretch reflex/bounce at the bottom of high bar a2g squats?

    also note the butt wink in these videos - is this acceptable for high bar a2g purposes? 3rd rep of 246kgx3 did look quite butt wink-y. (obviously not my videos)

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