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Posts posted by mister56

  1. Here is a very special pair of denim. These were specifically made for me to win the WHDC contest. The fabricator wants to remain anonymous, because they are made from very rare cotton. More importantly, many peoples live were put in jeopardy because of the dangerously low tension used in the making of these jeans.

    Valhalla Cottonâ„¢ is pretty hard to grow to say the least. Seven months out of the year the ground is covered in ice and snow, but the hot spring blows over the crops of cotton. To make matters worse, the country is always at war. What the farmers do to grow this cotton is nothing short of amazing. The seeds germinate quickly, and as the plant matures, a cotton pod appears at the end of a long stalk. Harvesting denim is an exhausting, back-breaking work which can really only be done by hand and requires knowledge of the Overlords. When the pods are still babies the artisans use a specialized knife mounted on a handle of an oar to cut vertically over two or three sides of the pod. The cuts in pods eventually seep denim. Later, when the midnight sun rises 72 virgins work the night shift. They harvest denim by wrapping the fresh threads around a threshing oar. That's it. Oh, they use blue and white seeds for the color. In the picture below you can easily see the Valhalla Cottonâ„¢ with the blue and white color. I used computer enhancement so you can see a close up of this incredible denim. I had to use three computer systems to get the image that you are enjoying. Enjoy.


  2. @mister56

    wow! the front rise is so low. comfy enough? "the thing" problem? if you know what i mean.

    by the way, keep breakin mate!

    It is the angle of the photo, they are not to low. As for the "thing" it can be a problem at times, only at certain times.

  3. Naked And Famous Reverse Fade Update.

    White is the Color of snow

    So pure and free of sin inside a piece of lightening

    White is the color the actual thing of the striking bolt of righteousness

    Worthy of praise the wondrous peril

    White is the color of an eyeball.

    tumblr_mbdzh7EiEv1qjzppxo7_1280.jpgtumblr_mbdzh7EiEv1qjzppxo6_1280.jpgtumblr_mbdzh7EiEv1qjzppxo5_1280.jpgWhite is the new Punk Rock.

  4. why on earth do you use 72pt font for every post?

    Two reasons 1: Because I can. 2: So I don't get confused with you. Further more it is considerably less than 72pt type face, so stop asking stupid questions and exaggerating. Lets talk about Reverse Fade Denim, or whatever the hell you wear to feel unique.

  5. Who has the nerve to wear white after Labor Day, Who will dare wear white jeans anyway, Who can stand it for at least 4 months. This jerk can and will do it. My personal contest of will and determination. I call on you fine people that have Naked and Famous Reverse Fade jeans to join me. I will put up $75.00 of my own money for best faded pair. I will get someone who is in the jean pool to judge the contest. How bout it? Do you have what it take to be one of the few and the proud?

    Who has the nerve to wear white after Labor Day, Who will dare wear white jeans anyway, Who can stand it for at least 4 months. This jerk can and will do it. My personal contest of will and determination. I call on you fine people that have Naked and Famous Reverse Fade jeans to join me. I will put up $75.00 of my own money for best faded pair. I will get someone who is in the jean pool to judge the contest. How bout it? Do you have what it take to be one of the few and the proud? This is a day one photo. tumblr_mapqutkPSe1qjzppxo3_1280.jpg

    This is a day one photo. Shot last Saturday.

  6. Yeah man, those red cores definitely arent done, probably have a lot of life left in them.

    Although, I would like to see the blue franks ;)

    Yeah they still have plenty of life in them, but the contest is almost over and I'm ready to wear another pair of jeans.

    I want to see what the Franks will do, but I bet they fade slow.

    Thanks for your input.

  7. Same here not feeling the red core at all

    I think he was talking about the Red Weft lap fades. My photos show no lap. Why don't you like my knee fades? Don't you like cool unique fashion for men?

  8. Here is the finished Red Core fades. I'm very happy with them.

    What should I do next, Low Tension or Indigo/Indigo 15�z?

    I even have a pair of Blue Franks that maybe I should work on.

    I would like to hear your opinion.


  9. Well, I just washed my Red Core jeans in the washing machine. The water was very blue. I'm glade I waited to do a full wash at about 5â… months. I did soak once at about 1 â…› month, and sprayed them with a hose about 3 weeks ago. After the machine wash they did shrink in length about â…š of an inch. They fit tight again. These jeans shrink and expand like an X hose. I was thinking about ordering stuff off the internet, I'm not concerned about my safety anymore. I have grown as a person and in intellect over the past few weeks, thanks to Fox and Friends morning TV show. Pull the string.

  10. Those red cores must be annoying to wear, simply because of all the questions you probably get about them. I don't know about you, but if you can explain "raw denim fading", much less the concept of having a red core vs white core to the average person in under 3 minutes, you need a gold star.

    If I don't know the person I just say they fade to red instead of white, and they go oh ok. But Then if know them or they seem like they are really interested I tell them the whole dyeing process and that is more like 10min ez. But I'm into it, so no big deal.

  11. I just got a pair of Low Tension for $112 from Revolve Clothing. I was wondering about them being woven with such a low tension that they might shrink more than normal. I wonder if I should warm soak them first, so if they do shrink the fades won't shift and my cuffing will stay in the same place. Does anybody have any thoughts on this?

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