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Posts posted by mister56

  1. I have an idea for the next challenge. My thinking goes like this; the leather patch is made from animal hide and humans have hides as well. Humans decorate their hide with tattoos, piercings, and some fraternities are into branding their brothers with hot irons.


    So why don't why we have a challenge that involves these types of modifications on our jeans leather patch?


    What do you all think about this great idea?





    Do you have any openings?


  2. Detail pics.

    my IH patch was unfortunately ruined while working, so i made this one with a piece of scrap


    I can't imagine how your patch could get so brutally

    ruined, let alone damaged so bad that it could not be rescued. You should have called 911!


    Could you share the gory details? Were there any zombies involved?


  3. Here is what I have learned about raw denim through reading many articles from many diverse sites.


    1. All cotton will shrink. Unsanforized more than sanforized. Washing in a machine shrinks more than soaking. Hot soaking will shrink more than cold water soaking and keep more indigo on your jeans.


    I always soak my new denim sanforized or not. The temperature depends on how the jeans fit me. If they are loose I soak in hot water, if they fit correctly I use cold water. This approach helps keep the creases in the same place when I eventually wash them.


    2. After I soak my new denim I let them drip dry in the sun, but I don't let them dry completely. When they get to a slightly damp stage I put them on. This lets them stretch out in the right places, and when they dry on your body the creases set in tight. I find this is a better alternative to siting in a tub with my jeans on. Wearing soaking wet jeans around the house is not very fun. One last thing, soaking new denim for more that 20 minutes is a waste of time, because the cotton gets saturated in 20 minutes. If you go longer than 20 minutes you're just losing indigo.


    3. The heavier the denim, the less they stretch out over time.


    4. This is a quick way to get your stacks to set. With your jeans on take a garden hose and spray the bottom of your denim. It does not have to be super soaked, just wet works fine. After you get them wet put on shoes that you don't mind getting indigo dye on. Next, just slightly push them down and wear them, gravity will do the rest.


    5. I feel that the more your jeans flex and stretch the better your fades will progress. For this reason I would never use starch on my jeans. If you think about it, starch stiffens your denim and keeps it from flexing and moving. Some believe that starch is to abrasive and will shorten the life of your prized purchase.


    Well, that's what I do. 



  4. HC-SF-104
    Big Game Cook Out
    Art Shots 004
    Naked And Famous Big Slub

    Last weekend I had a few of my favorite things. Crawfish, a huge thunder storm, moonshine cherries,

    Naked and Famous denim, then barking spiders.




    My pants got very moist.

  5. I love finding new music. One way I do this is to ask a group of people in certain forums or at the bar or wherever groups of like mined people congregate.

    So here is my question to y'all: What song or band are you listening to today?

    Right now, I'm listening to an old favorite of mine, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, their 1st record. Clap-Your-Hands-Say-Yeah-Clap-Your-Hands-Say-Yeah-.jpeg

    Here is a link to a song that I must have played about 357 times.


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