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Posts posted by mister56

  1. I went to Blue in Green a bought a pair of Pure Blue Japan x Blue in Green colab Purple face jeans. The place is not what pictured in my head at all. I thought it would be about the size of a GAP store. It was much smaller. The dude that helped me was very...helpful. I was in from Houston and needed my new jeans hemmed quick cause I was working and would be leaving soon. He was on top of it, even though he had a ton of other jeans that needed work, he had them ready the next morning. I'm very pleased with all the men and women that made my shopping experience...pleasing.


  2. Mister - Man!! that is terrible.  Radius & ulna or humerus fracture?  How long of a recovery?  Do you require surgery?  You have one more day of 2013 left!!

    Humerus, at the very top where the bone goes into the round part. Broke clean through. I'll be in a sling for at least 6 weeks. 

    No surgery if the bone stays put. I start a new job Jan 2nd, lets hope 2014 bares better fruit. Happy New Year to all. 

  3. You know, maybe you shouldn't be let out of the house unsupervised...That is one horrible string of bad luck! Hope it turns around for you.

    Here in Canada, nothing much is happening except winter. Low for tomorrow is -51c with the wind chill. Might be time to start wearing a jacket and finally put away the sandals for the year.


    I think you my be on to something. I'll start looking for a chaperone that likes to drink and loves music. Happy New Year!

  4. Naked and Famous



    Since the car battery blew up in my face my life has changed in a couple of different ways. I went out to see Cat Power play, ended up drinking a bunch of tequila with her then went home, and fell into the bathtub while trying to take off my pants. My arm broke. Then couple days after that my cold turned into pneumonia. I think some of you people may enjoy to hear this.



  5. How old are you? Seriously.

    Are you really that obsessed with Internet high fives. And I second the above writers as well...

    This is what I said "I take the time to take photos, edit them, make them interesting. Just so I can post them here on this forum. I contribute, I try to be part of an interesting group, and I barely get any response.  ?".

    Putting words in my mouth is not cool.



    If you would have read my post, instead of just responding to it, you would have understood that I'm not look for rep points. What are rep points anyway, 

    a wet dream for lonely dorks.Might be.


    My point is this, this is a forum, and people usually have conversations, or remarks, dialogue, interaction. When I post something it's like speaking to a closet full of old clothes. I write a post then I get "Why you gotta use big fonts and colors, It bothers me, your yelling".

    Then I make a joke about my mother having cancer, and I get "I knew someone that had cancer, I'm offended". Really. Some of you are grannies trapped in a pre-pubescent-only child syndrome body. Then wrapped in new denim. 

    We all knew someone that had cancer so the f*☭k what. All I get from most of you people is crap. Next, I ask why nobody responds to me,  then I get more crap.

    Denim is about adventure, cowboys, freedom, rock-n-roll, creativity. I don't see that here. This contest is filled with everything but that. 



    This has been a bad experience from the start. 

  6. Dude, it's a really cool pic but if you're just doing this for virtual high fives then you're in for a world of disappointment.


    This is a denim forum man, we like interesting denim, great stories, cool location and yes....great pics. Some days the high fives will come your way, other days they won't, complaining about it openly will probably mean that you get more days when they don't.


  7. The color that the MBB's have on the fades is fantastic, also props on the pictures.


    So I was out yesterday in the Crowsnest Pass for work.  I have been trying to find (through dumb luck mostly) an old abandoned mining village called Lille.  Look it up in Google for pictures.  Anyways, did not manage to find it but a hillbilly on a quad indicated that I was on the right path I just had to hike for about an hour.  Being that it was on my lunch break, did not have the time.  So I took some pictures from the hood of my vehicle as well as the one below of a pretty little stream.













    Looks like you're looking for a place to piss. Were you?



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