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kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

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Posts posted by kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

  1. what in the holy fuck.

    i'd heard from a friend of mine that at the first camp for my wave of exchange students that he was put into a room with another guy from the same country as him.

    this guy was apparently working out (running back and forth in room, push ups and sit ups) at 3 am and then reading a bible by 6 am. or so i'd heard.

    but your story... mine means nothing in comparison.

  2. ^yo wtf is going on with mister dub monk strap posting de stijls

    he gonna rock those with a tweed double-breasted suit?

    is he converting to fashunz now? can i actually feel okay with having him on my dash nao? or is it sporadic fashun stuff amidst a furious wave of nove/et al crossposting and dub monk photos with rap lyrics inserted or referenced alongside all the suits and madras and ties and pocket squares and patterned socks that a #menswear needs >_>

  3. wow icarus lives minus that vocal track

    appealing to me.

    really only listen to animals as leaders as far as djent vibes go. periphery's an occasional listen plus the various drummers on youtube who fall into that category.

  4. those areni folk are pretty sick.

    sum kinda rehacer-esque jap boy semi outdoors-y street style junt for me tho

    guess that's why they're so cool

  5. ^...

    one time i was having breakfast with some folks i'd just met, two guys who are foreign teachers at my host school on the program i'm on, two teachers from the nearby city, and another two from a few hours away.

    the ones from farther out are a couple, guy's pretty nice but his girlfriend's just fucking tense and i didn't get along with her at all.

    (she wasn't attractive either so i dunno what the hell he was sticking around for)

    somehow everyone gets to talking about how cursive writing is mostly considered obsolete and i say how in my high school i had some friends who'd still write in cursive even if it slowed them down and how i'd tell them it was "fucking pretentious"

    tense chick just says "my mom still writes in cursive."

    everyone shuts up

    i shrug it off and continue eating my omelette while everyone else looks awkwardly looks around

    felt like an eternity.

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