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Posts posted by TheCreativeD00m

  1. ^^ I agree with landadel, it is different which is the right direction, it gives me an early 90s just starting the beginning of grunge era feel that matchs the product look but is maybe a little too busy. It takes away from the items being displayed and the small copy is lost on all that's going on. I do think the direction is good but maybe simplify to possibly just a torn edge or something or widen it out where just the edges are torn like that. I'm sure it's done and there's nothing to do now though, which is why I didn't originally say anything, but I figured why not...

    I love officina for headlines, we used it for a medical mask headline and I was thought wow this is effing sexy, so I packaged the file and took it home for the fonts haha.

  2. i really like Din. futura/askindenz grotesk are next.


    Nothing wrong with some helvetica. 

    Dont use DIN it needs kearning and doing a whole essay would be a bitch. For headlines maybe.


    Like someone else said fruitger is nice, it has a friendly feel to it. Honestly it's harder to read large bodies of text in sans serif. It disrupts the natural flow. serif fonts aren't script by any means but the serifs help it read more smoothly. Mixing sans serif headlines with serif text is a great way to add some contrast. For inspiration i'd reccomend behance & dribbble for good starting points of inspiration. 

  3. Shameless self plug in a way but I just re did my Tumblr to have all my photos on a separate page and have been updating a lot lately! http://michaeljjcc.tumblr.com/photography  I really really want to make a name for myself through photography and could use some advice/critique. I know my photos are nothing special and I still have a lot to learn but I am happy with what I've posted and maybe you guys could hep me to be better through tough critique.    :blush2:  

    off topic, do you own a first gen rx7? I used to have the gsl-se fully built for auto X it was a badass car. Sold it to a friend who eff it up by putting a infiniti motor in it :(


    Have you checked for photography associations in your area? They would offer support, networking, critique, etc. In person critique is different for me because you're in the room with the person, there's more of a constant flow of input and output, and its nice to see from a perspective of someone who doesn't "get it" or has a completely different style. The best part is most are working professionals. 

  4. Okay so I wanna buy an old school board, because I´m mainly skating in a miniramp atm and I feel my regular board is too narrow (7.5) for my feet (12) and I think it would be more easy to control it in the miniramp.


    I came across this deak:




    Should I go for it? The price is nice considering an old school Tony Hawk or Mike McGill deck runs for 130€ (woithout tucks etc.).

    Has anyone had experioence with Reflex trucks?


    I appreciate your help!

    Skip it, too short. You're not going to like it if you're taller and have large feet.

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