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Posts posted by spidereye

  1. s8000jxn at 4 months. They were last years summer model 18oz lht texas cotton




    Got to spred..cant rep..nice evo..love this model vintage look..Anybody got a vintage model with suspender button..plz post em.:cool:

  2. thanks!

    Actually, I don't rock the vest and the pants together but just wanted to show the aesthetic of it. Too much color/texture coordination in my opinion.

    But pairing the vest with denim is a good look.

    Superb..good taste.:) would rep if i can.

  3. @Thanks for rep..so its a cow hide then.Busted ,salesman told me its cordovan,naah anyway like it .R.switch envy your vest.

    @Yeah its clear now,thanks mikecch.

    @obbigood .nice collection.wow that belt is so fukin dope.verry thick 15oz?.love the buckle classic look.

  4. As promised..more clear image for this wallet.Any body can tell if its tooled or carved,previous issue shell cordovan or horse hide.If this new image could help.





    indigo stains


    thick and quite heavy.sorry for large image this have to go big.

    3 month wear.

  5. I don't understand why you call these "mobster jackets", although they can be worn by gangsters as well as non-gangster members of the population.

    Like clover stated above, these jackets originated from WWII. The original fabric was thought to be parachute fabric which evolved to polyester or silk. The soldiers actually wanted a jacket that represented Japan and the US. (usually a military motto or the name of their regiment) The dragons and phoenixes were actually inspired from Chinese silk pillows, since Japan did not have any references for the "Asian" looking designs that the soldiers wanted. The eagle usually represents the US.

    The majority of the modern jackets are made from polyester or velveteen. The rib is made from wool or cotton. The pricier ones are still hand-machine embroidered and are sometimes quilted. There is a large collection of vintage ones in an issue of My Freedam and I have posted some scans from a Lightning special somewhere buried deep in the flight jacket thread.

    Starting to love Flight jackets.Looking for A-2.

  6. @Joshyle - Looking awesome, +

    xpost from SExDBxSxS12 thread:

    Three months in, sorry for crappy iPhone pix yada yada...



    My two month in pics are in this thread somewhere...

    Sorry for huge pics, my phone doesnt really give me a whole lot of options for uploading. ill try to resize later.

    Have to quote..this jeans are so nice in fading proses..Hope they run another batch of this gem.its sold out.damn hot colabs jeans.:cool:

  7. Thanks for posting..really good information.i m not expecting much for opening this threads.My main purpose is to share and forward this nice jackets for street fashion lover.

    I just knowing about the wwII stuff,cool this is what im looking for.

    Thanks clover.

    Tigerprawn can wait to see yours.go get em tiger.

    [/]So what the best Title for this threads coleslawyum.we can fix it.Thanks for the info and links.

    Mikecch, nice collection.those are expensive..cant rep.


    Some example pic .




    Everybody who have the same interest plsz share some information.

  8. Sukajan Jacket




    Here goes nothing...this threads is all about Japan satin jackets, its must be annoying for alot of people,embroidery, dragon.caps,tiger,eagle, etc image and the meterial is silky and shining .but look at another point of views..its all about .art of oriental flavor.This shit is far more most wanted in Japan. a must have jackets.for bikers,gangsters,mobster,thug..and verry down to earth for street fashion enthusiast..forgive me..my English is horrible ,willing to learn .Some off Japan big brand such like SDA,TFH,Evisu,Tedman, etc..does carry this jackets line up .

    For somebody who might have the same interest.plsz share your knowledge or collection.

    p/s not everybody have guts to wear it.

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