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Posts posted by t3hcoke

  1. thats fine with me 7x25 in entries, unless CSK comes back which I would really like.

    I know I fucked up because it's my first time commissioning an eight team league, but I'll make it up to you guys. I'm designing a sufu trophy for the winner (me) :)

    PLEASE COME BACK CSK, unless you want the last place trophy to have your name :ohmy:

  2. we can add more people, but i'll need to reset now then.

    also, yea i don't know what CSK is doing right now but alimenator's friend has jumped in for setin_fomodel

    thats the state of league now. we're at 7 or 8 including CSK

    i'd prefer more so ask around and i'll see what i can do.

  3. I'm down to still keep the weekly league and just lock the two teams that didn't pay. Then have a separate daily league (pay another $25).

    if we do a new league do we have enough? i know CSK wants no part of the first original league(unless we reset draft?), so we'd be down to not enough people again...

    yea we could just keep the league as it is, if we reset the draft are we keeping the draft positions?

    we could do that, unless alimenator's friend is superagainst.

  4. well, the main problem right now is that we only have 7. setin_fomodel responeded my PM and said he was too busy and has dropped out.

    So, I've decided to reset the draft with the new settings mentioned before. I know its my fault for the bad settings, but no one seemed to have a problem until draft day. At the time my main concern was waivers being too deep and that's why I added the bench spots.

    If you have any other ideas I'd like to hear them and please ask your friends to join. I'll do the same.

  5. yep. honestly, i think we're at 6 or 7(including CSK)

    setin_fomodel was afk during the initial draft and he hasn't paypaled. so i'm opening this up to anyone who wants to join.

    as long as they paypal before the new draft date tentatively schedule saturday afternoon PST.

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