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Posts posted by t3hcoke

  1. go with your gut.

    she just wants me to man up and act like shes mine. I have to literally tell her we're hanging out and it happens no questions asked. Learning about her is like pulling teeth, she keeps everything very internalized and she told me this. she made it clear that she likes me. I think if that was the case then she wouldn't be fuckin around with anybody else, but shes definitely a different type of bird.

    go with your gut.

    also she sounds like a submissive. PM me and i'll send you some info.

    heres a primer:


  2. she's sending you mixed signals because:

    you're looking for them, and you know she has a boyfriend

    more importantly dat green card and a sexless innkeeper.

  3. Tom Brady, AJ Green, Jordy Nelson, Dez Bryant (fucking bust), Tony Gonzalez, Sidney Rice and Owen Daniels chillin' on the bench. I wouldn't consider it a bad squad, but it's tough when you can play 2 RB and a RB/WR slot and 3 rbs only produce ~20 points smh

    trade dez, jstew, owen; try to get forte, mathews, cj or dmc. consider trading jordy nelson.

  4. last night, i had a nightmare where an AWP shot off my left hand as I was running downhill on the street and then off into the shrubbery/ivy on the side. my dream went dark as I fell/rolled down the slope. I could hear my friends looking for me, but they sounded angry at me and left me there.

    tl;dr I had sound in my dream??

  5. ​If you can't do even one pull-up or chin-up I advise you to use two exercises - the horizontal row and the scapular pull-up in order to get ready for your first pull-up. Start doing horizontal rows and gradually work until you are able to do a few reps with your feet elevated on a chair, table...etc. Sets and reps are up to you but don't get too crazy and NEVER train to failure.

    After you are done with your horizontal rows perform a few sets of scapular pull-ups in order to develop a good pull-up start and to condition the insertions of your lats for pull-ups. On this exercise focus on full range of motion and forger about reps. Just hang from the bar or rings and down-shrug your shoulders without flexing at the elbow. That's how each pull-up should be started. Once you are able to do the feet elevated version of the horizontal row switch to pull-up or chin-ups. You will be able to do 2-3 reps.


    If You Can Do 1-3 reps

    If you can do 1-3 reps I recommend using the “calm strength†method. You are going to perform 1-2 reps for 8-10 sets with perfect form and NEVER to failure. In other words if you can do 2 pull-ups perform 8-10 sets of 1 rep with relatively small rest between sets. Perform this drill up to a few times a week (depending on what else you are doing), avoid failure and add one rep/set each time. After you are able to do 15 sets of 1 rep rest two days and test your max. I bet it will be well over 2 reps.

    If You Can Do 4-6+ reps

    If you can do 4-6 reps you can use the same method presented above but instead of 10 x 1 you will do 10 x 2 or 3. Another option is to follow the classic GTG protocol by Pavel Tsatsouline. However make sure you avoid over training and go back when you have to.

    If You Can Do 10+ reps

    If you can do 10 reps of perfect form pull-ups you are at decent level and you may add a little weight to your pull-ups. Don't get greedy here - 5 lbs - 10lbs will be plenty. Start doing 10 sets of 2 reps with 5 lbs and after you build-up to 15 sets of 2 reps with 5lbs rest test your bodyweight max rep pull-ups. I bet it will be well over 10 reps.



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