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Posts posted by thomas_collins

  1. I just heard four distinct gunshots outside my window (ground floor, suburb) like close as fuck. This shit doesn't happen in the suburbs. I didn't hear any cars/see any lights so whoever fired was on foot. I am legit scared that shit was loud as fuck, might have been right across the street

    Probably white kids with 4th of July leftovers.

  2. Shut up LandoCal - you live in New York.

    Anyway - my apartment overlooks the 405. Escaped this afternoon and will be hiding at my parents' house in suburbia for the weekend.

  3. i dont get it... if he were wearing a black chore or camo coat he would look like you...

    edit; and a dif shirt and shoes of course

    In conclusion, both Landocal and Vampy wear hats and pants. Good point, bro.

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