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Posts posted by thomas_collins

  1. yo, that's what i'm saying. don't know why du's are getting their panties in a knot, maybe they are just mad because they are currently in the same situation? obviously relationships aren't b&w, but GENERALLY if you are breaking up (and i mean 'breaking up' properly) and getting back together numerous times the two of you obviously are not suited for each other for whatever reasons. what's the point? find someone you're more compatible with.

    Yeah, I only agree if there is constant on-and-off again shit going on. Kind of a different situation but - My sister broke up with her longtime boyfriend for about 4 or 5 months, and the time they spent apart was incredibly valuable for both of them. They were able to reevaluate what was important to them, he worked on a lot of his jealousy issues. I can honestly say that they both have changed in positively because of their breakup - and they're now engaged.

  2. Attention Los Angeles sufu beer drinkers:

    ktothe and myself are trying to get a beer meet up going this week...possibly tomorrow evening around 8 PM or so at The Daily Pint in Santa Monica (open for other suggestions in the West LA area also). Shoot either of us a msg or just post something in reply if you're into it

    I'd be really down to do this in the near future. Next two weeks are just really hectic for me - let me know if these things get regular!

  3. I've tried the green tea last night. It's not bad, with a hint of tea. The scotch ale I don't think I was crazy about, and I've got the cherry still chilling but should try it tonight...

    Yeah, the scotch ale was pretty underwhelming.

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