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Posts posted by wayoutwest

  1. both previously posted fits look great!

    got a pair of 33 NS in. Also tried 32s but I couldn't button the top two buttons and they looked pretty ridiculous. Wearing the 33s now and they feel and look great (imo). I'll try and get some fit pics up soon.p soon.

  2. got my toshi double straps, generic double gate clips, and MKS sylvans installed. they are a dream. my legs move and the bike responds. before, I had to move my feet and my legs.


  3. anyone have shoe recommendations? not for winter, but just in general. Something that looks good with denim. I wear some Asics Mateos right now, but they are ratty and my foot keeps coming out of them while the shoe stays in the clips.

  4. I decided to get a road bike last night when I went on a moderate but leisurely group ride with a pace of about 25-28mph and we got lapped by a group of roadies...4 times.

    I wanna be fast :|

    honestly I have never heard of a group ride averaging 25-28mph, much less leisurely. and to be lapped? That is really fast. Did you have a computer?

    I rode fixed for awhile and still plan to some time in the future, but switched to road bikes for a change of pace. Went on my first challenging climb/descent and never looked back. You just can't do those two things on a fixed gear at a certain point.

    they are two completely different experiences. I bet a challenging climb is amazing! I think it's ok to have multiple bikes. There are so many applications that two wheels can cover. If I had the funds, I would love to have a road bike, townie, and my track bike. But I can't afford all of those and my track bike is so versatile, so that is what I am focusing on.

  5. Yeah, I'm so done riding fixed gears on the street. Now, the only fixed gear bike I have is my track bike.

    For what reasons? general boredom with the medium? or is it a specific issue or collection of issues that made you give up riding fixed on the street?

  6. anyone have winter glove recommendations? looking for something form-fitting and waterproof. willing to spend $100+. I had some polyester running gloves last season and it didn't work out so well.

  7. If there is a bike lane, you have to be in it. But if there's something obstructing the way in the bike lane, as there ever so often is, you can move over to the regular lane. If there isn't a bike lane available, you may be in the regular lane.

    They can't just force you to ride along every bike lane, only... They don't connect or go anywhere!

    Streets that usually have a bike lane are ones were people park on the street. Kind of retarded, but that's the way they map shit out.

    I'm not sure that is necessarily true. Certainly not a federal law, so unless you are familiar with Kentucky and Fayette County traffic laws, I wouldn't just claim that is the case.

    I avoid bike lanes completely if I can. Every wreck or near wreck I have been involved in has occurred in the bike lane.

  8. Ridiculous. I need to re-read my local and state laws on bicycles and traffic. A cop yelled at me the other day as he passed me going the other way "aren't you supposed to be in the bike lane" and I though "supposed to? maybe. have to? no" but after reading this maybe I do.

  9. IRO Mark V


    those are gold hubs. just a quirky filter I used from an iphone app.

    Been riding fixed for about a month and I fucking love it. Aesthetically I hate having a brake, but practically I am thankful to have one. One of my shitty stock toe clips snapped while I was skidding. Have some R.E. Load straps I might put on, but I have to order some new pedals first. Thinking MKS Sylvans. Anyone have some pedal/retention setups they would like to share? I don't trick nor am I inclined to start so its mainly for commuting/mashing. I feel like lockdown straps aren't great unless you intend to spend most of the time doing freestyle stuff. Am I wrong in this assumption?

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