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Midnight Marauders

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Posts posted by Midnight Marauders

  1. is anybody able to suggest some online and/or physical book stores that sell mainly design/architecture/photography oriented books? location doesnt matter I just need to do a bit of research and find some of these stores. the more the better

  2. tumblr_lqj091XYxt1qcvn3qo1_500.jpg


    Opiuo - War Cod

    Dimlite - Backdoors Bustin

    Five Deez - Instruments of the Trade (The Word)

    Pete Rock - Baby Pa

    D'Angelo - Chicken Grease

    Onra - Jeeps

    Bullion - Get Familiar

    Black Moon - Niguz Talk Shit

    1st Down - A Day Wit The Homies

    Slum Village - 5 Ela Remix

    James Blake - I'll Stay

    Fantastic Mr. Fox - Sepia Song

    John Tejada - Subdivided

    Shlohmo - Big Feelings


  3. re: American Psycho.

    The book was 100% more intense than the movie. I think the scene towards the beginning with the bum/dog was the most gut wrenching. Christian Bale captured Bateman's character and I couldn't help but visualize him while reading. I am not sure what to make about the part towards the end where the prose switches to third person. Could this be another part of Bateman talking or is it the same Bateman just referring to himself in the third-person?

    I lost my copy of this when I was overseas, and I had only just started reading it too. Definitely need to pickup another one because people keep telling me its fuckloads better than the film.

  4. I dont plan on ripping off somebody elses design. I was just keen to see some examples. Foxes seem to be harder to illustrate than say wolves or owls etc. I have a friend of mine whos a pretty decent tattoo artist I just wanted to give him a few ideas of what I'm leaning towards.

    Thanks aak thats the kind of thing I was after

  5. Im thinking of getting a fox done because that kind of represents me. Has anyone ever seen any half decent fox tattoos? Ive been having a search but havn't come across anything that doesnt look stupid.

  6. copping!

    recommend me more recent asian films that are really good if they are out there. i only find out about them afterwards when they've become cult hits with the western world...

    Norwegian Wood was pretty good.


    and Outrage is one of my favourites recently. some of the scenes in that film...


    trailer doesnt do it justice

  7. nah not that I know of. Im loving the scene at the moment though with all these dudes doing improv shit and dj sets on their samplers. A lot of old school dj's hate that shit but I love the creativity that is coming out of it.

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