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Posts posted by koven

  1. I love having quick little races with dudes on roadies. It's rare that I ever pull off a victory but when you do its oh so sweet. Keeping up with them usually gets you that nod of respect which is just as good as passing them.

    Do you ever have the experience where you're riding an extra long distance with stop lights and there just happens to be another roadie on the road who you can tell is putting in the extra effort to stay ahead of you and you can feel their slight sense of disappointment when you catch up to them at the red light over and over again?

    Red lights: the great equalizer.

    Yeah that's what kept happening we were on the same street for around 10-11 blocks and we kept passing each other, the best is when he's waiting at a light and im approaching and it turns green and I blow by him haha, It was a mutual respect type of thing and it made the ride a lot more fun for both of us. It felt good being able to hang as long as I could. When we raced though I never span so fast on my bike I was getting scared cause there was so much momentum and im on a very low gear, I couldn't just stop if I wanted too. Luckily I managed to slow down haha.

  2. Almost crashed racing a rodie today. Well we weren't really racing till the end, it was just a game of back and forth where we'd fly by each other grinning haha. Anyways I told I had to turn at the next street and he wanted to race........I was on a fixed gear and I never spun out so fast in my life, I almost lost control. I have a front break but I would have flipped over if I tried to break at that speed. Luckily I slowed down before the I got to the intersection, it was a rush haha.

  3. I dig the last one alot, and fab I think that old lady was just crazy. Its like she sensed me taking the pic but looked the other way. Its not that shart because that was a crop, that took up like 20 percent of the actual picture. I was like 30-40 feet away.

    Same wit this one too, swag off the charts haha


  4. Was this pp'd in any way? A lot of the pics that I've seen from the X100 seem to be a bit heavy on the contrast.

    Yeah that was PPd heavily, I upped the contract and blacks to give it a more dramatic look. (in my opinion)

    I have another version that looks straight black and white but I didn't like it as much.

    About the contrast thing, the camera has some built in filters to give it the black and white film look but i haven't messed with those yet.

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