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Posts posted by PaperTiger

  1. Stay away from interference engines in your cars, unless you drive what I drive. They are disposable and costly.


    This isn't necessarily true.

    I'd just stay away from BELT driven interference engines. Most interference engines these days are chain drive and can last a very long time, like VH45DE's.

    Some electronics I will keep forever, others are difficult.

    I own just about every piece of videogame hardware released in either the US or Japan since the mid-1980's. Almost all of it is boxed/complete, and all of it is functional. This is like 70+ systems and a couple thousand pieces of software, and I will keep it as long as I'm alive.

    Cell phones and shit, not so much. I do keep all my old ones though, in the boxes they came in, but I beat them up pretty bad.

  2. This is a really good thread idea.

    Things I own that I want to last me 20+ years:

    -All my Allen Edmonds

    -1960 Honda Super Cub

    -My tools (hand tools, air compressor, etc)

    -Most of my furniture

    -Cast iron pan (gets better with age)

    -My pens (pelikan, omas, montblanc)

    I hate disposable/temporary things. I want to start buying more items that get better with age, wear, and use. This is tough with most clothing, however.

    I'd easily be able to get a car to last me 20 years, if I kept them long enough. I buy only older cars, but switch them up frequently. I always sell them in better shape then how I buy them, however.

  3. I'm not big on the leopard-lined trench coats.

    I like the club jackets, the worker's parka, and the Biggie Smalls/Bad Boy tee, none of which are shown.

    The denim shirts are neat. Their oxfords and chinos are very nice as usual, but not sure why I would buy such things from Supreme.

  4. I got expelled from a ritzy private school for selling weapons. I had a pretty diverse inventory, everything from $10 Chinatown comb-knives to varied firearms.

    This sounds a lot more nefarious than it actually was, however. There were *no* fights at this school and little threat of actual violence, people just wanted the shit because they thought it was cool. They were like fashion accessories for rich kids.

    I'm lucky I only got expelled, in hindsight. I recall having spent most of the money on videogames.

  5. I've never even gotten shrooms to WORK on me. I've eaten tons, in the presence of others, they're tripping balls, and I'm 100% fine. Sucks.






    Don't really like anything else.

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