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Posts posted by laxlife1234

  1. B_F... AMAZING....

    But if I were to say I would not size down any at all. I shod have sized up one cause once I give these a proper wash with detergent I think they might be too small for me then. But if you choose not to size up one if thy have your size, go TTS don't size down one, I highly do not recommend it.

  2. Yeah, its about 15-30 minutes away from me depending on traffic, but I can't go in by myself since I'm not old enough yet. And with midterms coming up and work it'll be a wile before I can go.

    But yeah, if I get the SG's the will be more of casual wear for the first year, and ill wear the sammies hard for the first year, and then vice versa. So both should look pretty worn.

  3. UNCMN I need to know how heavy those N+F are before I can add you to the competitors list.

    laxlife1234 will the SG's be your competition pair, or will you be doubling up "Beatle style"?

    If I do that I will be doubling up like Beatle.

    maybe you should at least try to find out how the jeans fit and fabric is like before you buy everything. of course owning a pair and trying it on is a big plus but with little effort and research you'll know how a cut looks on you by searching&comparing fit pics&measurements.

    kiya's offer for the heavyweight SG is generous but keep in mind that you dedicated yourself to the S500JX-LR contest for one year (at least you should have as you signed up for it)

    That's what I'm doing, I may try and hit up the city to try them, but I don't think that will happen due to midterms coming up, and work. But I mean if I am rotating 2 pair of jeans the samurais will get just as much wear as any other pair of jeans I would be using as another pair that I would be rotating.

    But if I get the strike golds, those and the samurais would be my 2 main jeans, and I would put a bit more wear on the samurais.

    For the cut though I am pretty sure I want that cut since I got used to a looser cut on my F350's. And I am dedicated to samurais, but I could never wear the same exact jeans for a whole year straight without having something to rotate in.




    Common Projects 1828 Size 11 Patent leather brown

    *DS, worn 1x, nothing wrong with them*

    *Looking for $125+shipping (box is big)*




  5. ^just a short question:

    how many denim purchases have you done in the last few weeks? :)

    Actually only 2, my flat heads (which ill probably sell, to get these), and the samurai contest jeans. But I will probably buy one more pair after the SG's (lighter weights) for when summer comes so when I'm not working I can wear those. Either way, I'm experimenting and trying out different brands and denim cuts and styles..but I am going to sell off or at least try to sell off all the jeans I have so I only will own 2-3 pairs.

  6. Well, actually you can learn a lot about headphones from there. Like you say, there is a big difference between a lot of the models available.

    the main problem I have, are the amps, dacs, cables, and other bullshit a lot of the members insist make a big difference. Many even recommend buying £40+ power cables :| 'Special' fuses? Tube dampers? fuuuck off.

    it's funny when these morons have deluded themselves and justify their purchases. 'I didn't hear any difference at first, but after a while I could definitely hear frequencies I hadn't heard before!!!111!1'

    That is definitely why it would be bullshit. I can understand if there is a difference between a pico slim, and a little shitted fiio amp (model doesn't come to mind, but I got it with my RE0 2's. But when you see the "burn in" that is kind of ridiculous cause how much can an amp really change? I mean they are so picky about how it sounds, they do like red, blue, yellow frequency tests.... I have never heard such tests?!?!

    But, I mean I guess it makes them feel good then whatever. I mean they would probably find that N&F and samurai jeans are the same, but to us it isn't... then again, anything to do with headfi will eat your wallet out.

  7. +Rep amlai, my F350s are pretty stubborn too, although people say the 3XXX denim is fast-fading.

    Word. My f350's vs. My sammies is a lot slower. Took about 8-9 wears to start showing some sign of electric blue on the flat heads. My sammies have been worn 3 times and they show about as much wear as my flat heads. Although the flat heads I think are going to have crazy looking fades in the end..

  8. head-fi is 80% bullshit. Learn from my mistakes concept.

    It's bullshit since everyone likes a different sound-sig, and when someone buys a headphones with too little bass cause they like bass on par with a pair of Dre's then they decided to post and say how much bass that headphones is lacking, causing an "educated" argument, making people :confused::confused: and having them debate on what to buy. Personally I love Westone 3's, and Denon D5000's.

    If you want headphones, don't read reviews, just try them out cause youll never know if you really like them. I have tried 10+ different headphones. The best were JH-13's, but then again I read reviews saying they weren't that great...WTF?? They were the best headphones I have EVER used. Proves to show that head-fi is 80% bullshit. Trust me, don't go reading reviews from a noob, look at that persons posts and see what headphones he uses if they are similar to yours chances are it isn't BS though.

  9. Well, it may be the way I measure cause I don't measure from the crotch seam, I measure from the whole bottom to the top of the jean, if it is measured from the crotch seam it is 9.1" so it is pretty low of a rise.

    And I meant to say low, I always get confused between the difference of high and low rise.

  10. ^Even though I am not good with samurai models since this is my first pair of Sammies, I too notice these are pretty low rise as far as I am concerned. It actually is kind of irritating the rise cause usually if I am wearing something that low of a rise the jean is usually lighter weight, and skinnier.

  11. Well since I was one of the last to be able to be apart of this contest I am very happy! So I took pics of my samurais with todays newspaper, and they have only been worn 3 times. There isn't much wear on them, they do have a tiny bit of fading (crotch area), well more like some electric blue showing so no worries there :) and I'm not going to start wearing these until I see that everyone has theirs so its fair.



  12. @b_f- yeah, dry for me has to be dry in the legs, but the buttonfly or front pockets can still be damp. I just hate the feeling of damp clothes I don't know why, just always have. And I threw them in the washer on Warm/cold cycle though instead of a soak.

    @megatron, thanks for the rep before :) And, like I said I can already see some very light electric blue on the crotch area so I can tell these are going to be some fast fading jeans. Although, I am starting to think either the left or right side is going to fade quicker than the other.

  13. who is talking about 2 days?

    if you talk to me, I took them out of the water 3 hours ago and they are now dry enough to be worn if I wanted to :)

    Jeez, wish I could say the same thing. Usually until fully dry it takes anywhere from a day and a half to 2 days, it depends on the humidity. For 3 hours wouldn't they still be damp? Cause my definition of being dry is dry, I personally hate wearing denim thats still damp--or clothes in general.

  14. I think its faster if you stuff it with newspaper which is what i did (call me crazy, but 12 hours vs.2 days is a lot quicker for me).

    Also I'm starting to see some very minor electric blue starting to show near the seat which im very surprised at since i have only worn them once..

    Here's how they look with newspaper:


  15. Now that I see it again, yeah it is a little long. I just can't tuck in my shirt since I could never pull that look off.


    Also, here are the measurements for a 29 post-soak (forgot pre-soak):

    W- 14.5"

    I- 36"


    Knee- 8.3"

    Thigh- 10.5"

    Front R- 10"

    Back R- 13"

    The rise is actually pretty high, not that high, but still relatively high.

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