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Posts posted by Layne

  1. Jester King releasing Atrial Rubicite next weekend.  Hoping for the best on bottle limits.  Was lucky enough to have a 2oz pour at a bottleshare a while back and this is by far the best thing JK has ever done... probably best beer outta TX in a long time.




  2. how is that new amc show. im too burnt out after that breaking bad ep

    i dvr'd it and will watch tonight if i have time. 


    such a great breaking bad ep.  oh btw, did you put this gus fring tracker on my car lol? *closes garage* :angry:

  3. So... new Breaking Bad on Sunday and being the fanboy that I am, I've been reading several theories and predictions.


    Kinda a late pass here but one theory is that Walt kills Skyler prior to the Denny's season 5 opener.  The basis for the argument is that every time Walt kills someone, he takes on one of their characteristics.

    • Cuts the crust off his sandwiches after he kills Krazy8
    • Drives a Volvo after he kills Gus
    • Starts drinking liquor on the rocks after he kills Mike

    In the first season, Skyler is shown putting bacon numbers on Walt's birthday breakfast.  In the season 5 opener, Walt is doing this himself alone as fuck at Denny's.  Walt's fake ID that he shows the waitress also has the last name Lambert, which is Skyler's maiden name.


    Maybe this is a stretch but it's an interesting theory nonetheless.  Either way I'm so pumped for Sunday.

  4. Had several Amazon gift cards so I grabbed a Baratza Virtuoso.  I'm quite happy with it.  The grinds are much more consistent than the hand-operated Camano Coffee Mill that I've been using for the past year or so... it really does make a difference in the cup.


    Still pretty much stuck on pourovers too.  I like my Aeropress but it's just not the same.

  5. I've eaten at 5+ different Popeyes in and around Houston and they've all DESTROYED my stomach.  It's so delicious in the moment and so painful a couple hours later.


    I'm guessing they're not about that oil-changing life cuz the ones in Mississippi never fucked me up.

  6. One of the big sushi chefs in Houston created this hotdog that they're selling around town all month.  It's a disaster trying to eat this thing in public but it's so freaking good.  My picture is shit sorry.


    Panko crusted deep fried hebrew national topped with scrambled eggs, japanese curry sauce, pickled cucumbers and red onions, and yuzu mayo.



  7. That trailer had more going on than every episode to date.  And you know they basically took every "tense" scene and crammed it in the trailer like they've done the past 3 seasons.  Fake hustle is the perfect description.


    Will the D and Cutty dynamic duo be enough to make the show interesting?  Doubtful... but if you stop watching the show as a drama and pretend it's a bad comedy, it gets much better.  I want to take it seriously but I know better.

  8. ^ i'm always disappointed at the end of every walking dead season and then in the break they hype it up and i kinda get excited.  and then like 2-3 eps in, i realize that they never do anything and i have no emotional attachments to any of the characters.  yeah, i watch the show but i think it's very poorly written and possibly the most over-hyped show on tv.


    varys and catelyn stark in suits.  usa shows are my weakness.


    (i legit think suits is a better show than walking dead.)

  9. ^ mother of god that looks delicious.


    also i realized dudes on sufu are all about some shake shack.




    i would do things to that sandwich up there that parents warn their children about

  10. ^ huge thanks for the luther update, i had no idea it was back.


    about arrested development -- that shit just felt WAY too forced.  yeah, there were funny parts but mostly it was just not that great.  honestly that's what i expected... it really wasn't any better or worse than i imagined.

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