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Posts posted by kuugaia

  1. ^ Maybe it's just me but that sounds pretty expensive? I would of thought buying it while overseas would be the better option, like in Singapore, Duty Free or something. My girlfriend's got the lumix that I reckon is pretty decent, can shake it and still take clear pictures.

  2. Hello Perthians,

    Going to be a cheap garage/clothing sale on for mostly girls but a small amount for guys too. Not sufu stuff, but some things here and there people might be interested in. Thought I might as well put it up if you guys are interested.

    -- brand new, secondhand and vintage --

    WHEN: Saturday 29th May (11am-5pm) and Sunday 30th May (12-3pm).

    WHERE: pm me for details.

    The majority of items are hardly worn and there will be NOTHING OVER $50!

    Wayne Cooper, Bardot, Ladakh, Mink Pink, ASOS and many more.

    Mostly sized 6-10.

    Accessories from $1.

    Shoes from $5.

    Tops, shorts and skirts from $5.

    Dresses from $10.

    Jackets from $15

    Coats from $30

    There will also be a small range of MENS CLOTHING (medium) AND SHOES (size 9-10), which will be priced separately. Includes mostly streetwear (i.e. G-Star, Ralph Lauren Polos), but also some designer jeans, formal suits/shirts.

  3. ^ Haha, not sure if it's possible to explain why something looks good. But personally I find the size a big contributing factor to why I like them, change of silhouette. Slim long/loose top, drop crotch narrow leg pants with some big fuking RO sneaks looks good imo. Like how Rick himself does it here.


    A, you're crazy to sell your triple buckles for the RO sneaks imo. I've got both and I definitely wear the AnnDs more. Then again, that's cause I'm afraid of busting the RO soles up. Lol.

    Rob, most of what Zekka has is up on it's website. Give or take a few label's items here and there. Their shoe range is mostly AnnD, RO, ma+, Guidi, Julius. I think they may have a few Augusta and KVA left but I do believe they're not stocking them anymore. If you guys want me to check anything out for you guys just let me know. I drop by about once a week when I'm in the area.

  4. The only thing that would make me want to get a mac is for it's touch-pad system. Sure, some of its stuff is very convenient and well thought out...but I don't find it out weighs the negativity of software incompatibility atm. Smart idea was for Apple to put in some USB ports. :P

    Anyway we're better off not talking about mac vs. windows are this place gonna get its ass turned inside out haha.

  5. Hmm, Rob (same name ahah),


    Why aren't we discussing about Australian designers then? Abit contradictory here me finds. Don't they have, in some way deserved some recognition, like you guys had for BBS then? It's very similar "experimental" vision/ aesthetics most of you are accepting.. no? Was it the distance, between "leaders" and "followers" are way apart?

    Now I can say this is because not until they defined who they are, I don't have chances for them.. but I have absolutely no hate for them.

    Yeah I always found it weird to call somebody else the same name as myself. Since you were here first I can be Rob2. LOL :P I would like to discuss all of your points but we've drowned out this thread enough, so I'll just be brief and maybe we'll take it to pm again.

    'Chances' for me are granted strangely...probably best described on a basis of 'convenience'. What has been recommended by people who share a similar mindset. What has already gained enough reputation to attract my attention. What I can find physically available. Example: I gave CM a chance when I was in Melbourne last year cause I visited its store. But I haven't given Triampee a chance because people like yourselves don't recommend it. This is all because I don't have spare time in my life to go through everything. Chances seem to have a screening process first.

    I think it's perfectly fine that you will only give chances to designers you believe have a concrete vision, as that's your style. But there will always be other people who have a lower threshold, and try out more things.

    I don't just look at one particular painting from an artist, I look at, if possibly, the entire work, past and present, and read what was available about him, which sometimes, I know, biased, and then need to predict again his future work

    This goes into the discussion of authorship. Do you look at clothes for what it is, alone. Or do you put context into clothes by relating it to the entire collection and story behind it. So do you look at a 'drape' shirt by Julius, or do you look at a 'imperfect industrially damage-pulled' shirt by Julius. This discussion is also a matter of preference as you, Rob, would say that you need to look at an item with its background and story behind it. Some people prefer just look at a item alone, without the designer's story. And then let their own imagination take the item to where they want it to be.

    Enough of this I'm drained lol. Good discussion now back to the where2kopz. :)

    Any recommendations on a casual (linen?) white suit? Something that looks like its gone through the country side...or the zombie apocalypse.

  6. ^ Awesome isn't it? One of my favorite quotes that I will always remember.

    Also I wanted to add to my previous post and state the obvious. I think taking influence from another designer is perfectly fine as long as you 'make it your own'.

    And replying to your 'look with your eyes' comment Rob. This might sound corny and gay but...maybe you look with your eyes too much. I think you should take a more open-minded perspective on the whole situation. More designers doing goth-ninja just means more variety for us. This market is anything but saturated...I mean most of us here can name an entire fit pic's labels worn down to the fuking socks. Lol. And we all stick to the firm belief that money can't buy style, so what's the problem in this expensive niche?

    Maybe years down the track one of these 'influenced RO' designers will create something awesomely better than anything we've experienced. We should give it a chance.

  7. I like what you posted up there wept. Here are some quotes that really suit this discussion.

    "Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known." - Chuck Palahniuk

    There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn't matter who gets the credit.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    I don't believe there is such a thing as an 'uninfluenced' heart. Everything you do, see, hear and experience has an affect on you. We say here that RO is a leader in this industry. But wasn't he influenced by something as well? In fact, he started off working for a company that cut up designer clothes to make rip offs. That would of played a part in his sartorial work as well as his vision. Everything in his life has probably influenced his vision, and it might even include other designers. Often we pay credit to the person who we 'saw' do something first, regardless of where the original idea stemmed from. Let's not get caught up and start comparing everything new that comes up as 'influenced imitation RO'.

    It's natural for new-comers to be compared to the more established, but you'll never know how strong their own (evolving) vision is unless you give them a chance. I find BBS is in this situation. I gave it a chance, and it doesn't feel like RO at all. BBS FW10 thread in the other forum has some discussion on this too.

  8. now, whats my opinion about bbs? as said, his still trying to find his aesthethic, his own voice, it is not a bad thing to explore and find as a designer, but for his audience, who may have connected with him clothing aesthetic wise, will be lost. but he will gained new one nevertheless.

    I have to disagree. Though we'd all like to think that designers have this one concrete set vision on how their world and fashion should be, consumers don't. We don't necessarily share the exact same sentiment of any designer and we're also subject to change. BBS may not have the most congruency between each season, but people can still follow it season after season, changing along side the designer's vision.

    Ultimately, one need to be aware of what they do, what others have done, and be different and ultimately, be ownself.

    This mentality is a problem in itself. What if an aspect of your vision as a designer coincides with another designer's vision? Do you need to be different for the sake of being different? Then that in itself is being ingenuous. If you are always comparing one label to another and trying to find differences or similarities, you lose the whole essence of the label.

    edit: Dammit A, you beat me to it. GRR! And very surprised to see Advanster post in here. Refreshing! :)

  9. Dave, I recommend giving them a shot then because they mostly deal with thick Asian hair which sounds similar to yours.

    Maybe some of these tricks I use to keep my thick hair in control may help:

    - After I shower and dry my hair I put on a beanie/hat. This flattens my hair so when I put product in, it becomes normal thickness.

    - I only wash my hair every second day to retain moisture.

    - Sebastian Taming Elixir. It's a lotion you put in your hair that makes it less boofy. Pair this with the beanie trick and your hair will be as flat as paper.

    - I mix products. First using a mat or clay product to get control and bunching. Then a lightweight wet wax that gives it separated texture.

    Okay...I've gone on a huge tangent. Lol hope some of those tricks help.

  10. Kazu is $43 from memory with styling and everything. Normal hairdressers there are $38, though I'd only recommend either John or Canon. Mostly Asians though, but there are Australians that go there. They mostly get their hair cut with Alvin the owner, he's more conventional I think.

  11. I get mine done at Saint James Hair Studio by a Japanese hairdresser Kazu. Been with him for about 3 years now, hasn't let me down. Was thinking about trying head studio...but looked a bit too posh for my liking. How much is a male's haircut there?

  12. Yeah I have the same feeling when handling KKA items, especially that jacket posted with IS influence. But undeniably...they make decent clothes. KKA could be considered something along the lines of a 'cover' artist. Somebody who just reworks an original work into their own...but doesn't give credit lol.

    Rob I dare say you seem to be very CCP obsessed. But I might turn out the same if I ever get a chance to handle it lol.

    Me likes Yohan.

  13. Calv I'm amazed you kept the same wallet for 6-7 years? That must of been some awesome wallet. Adding to what quiver said, I heard of that theory too but I think that's only the case if you have a costanza wallet as shown before. I put my wallet in my back pocket, I just take it out when I sit.

    Haha some Australia represent happening in the sz waywt. Just wondering whether move ment was in here under a different alias? Major GQ steez!

  14. ^^ Hey Tyro I'm interested. Let me know what's up. Shall I pm you my email?

    Wow this whole internet koppingz/ccp/retail buying discussion was had recently by rob and i over PM at sz. Was going to copy some of the points in that discussion but most of it is covered. Overall, I think there's nothing wrong with kopping shit IRL or on the net just cause it looks cool. Some people have more confidence sending out thousands of dollars on the net compared to others, doesn't mean they're going to start reselling cause of that. I kopped my guidis online, fit perfect. :)

    Oh and they didn't have the ones I wanted at Zekka. Don't kill me! :P

  15. ^ You experienced loss/transfer of color on your red rider? That doesn't sound good...

    There's an inner war raging inside me. I think I'll eventually go with the black since it's the most practical choice. And you're right...looking at my wardrobe I don't see much that I could pair a red leather with.

    Julius's red is here to stay anyway, maybe pick up something in that colorway later on.

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