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Posts posted by badseed

  1. I actually am not a big fan of the horsehide on the bronco champ. It is pretty soft compared to some of the other horsehides on jackets that I have seen. Even at $900 i would rather have an Aero.

    Not really a quality issue just a taste preference.

    I too cannot see doc blue's photos. Maybe try a different file hosting service. I use imageshack and haven't had an issue yet.

    On the Bronco jacket,a dude i work with grabbed the last 44 from MF and the brown leather is like concrete (same stuff as my RM A2) while the body is a lot softer

  2. Thanks Kiya! We are skipping VLV for a nice relaxing time in our local area. Have a beer for me will ya?

    Here's the thing. The cap wasn't advertised all that well. The only real photos were found on Japanese sites and the ones I ran accross were not flattering, so I wrote it off. It wasn't until I visited the shop that I discovered smaller sizes were made. You all just have to pay them a visit, if you haven't already, and be prepared to be amazed. As with any other online site you visit, not all items are listed. Bring lots and lots of scratch, though : )

    Agreed,this cap is awesome,i think i landed the last RAW from the shop direct

  3. so much cool stuff going on

    the new MF had people a little cautious but it seems to be winning everyone over

    landed a Greaser cap and the new sneakers today,im working to pay of MFs new gold plated helicopter

  4. In an Alden 405 im a 10.5 EEE,i dont think i could have managed a 10.5 in these,being a pull on i couldnt get my chumpy foot thru the bend,like big brown slippers to wear

    11 out of 10 from MF

    worth noting a dude i work with wears an 11.5 in everythin but has a 12 in the Champs,the extra length is kind of chewed up by the rather pronounced heel

  5. ...just curious - what size do you normally wear? I have been thinking hard about putting myself on the list for these. I'm just over an 11.5 on the brannock. Do you have to pay up front for those MFs? I keep telling myself to just get the Alden cordovan pitt boots and call it a day but with the recent Alden price hike I'm thinking it's only a little more for the Road Champs...

    In an Alden 405 im a 10.5 EEE,i dont think i could have managed a 10.5 in these,being a pull on i couldnt get my chumpy foot thru the bend,like big brown slippers to wear

    11 out of 10 from MF

  6. yep,the boots kind put on hold for me when the misses got pregnant (daughter is almost 2 now) so its been quite a wait

    This Sunday,the vest rocks makes me rethink this impending Melbourne winter

  7. my brother lives in Tokyo and was there last week when it all went bad,he was also at Kobbe when it all went bad

    i see a pattern forming,my brother is bad luck

    anyhow i scored #1 of the run for him

  8. from the horses mouth

    From: "Speedway Shop" <[email protected]>View contact details

    To: s########[email protected]

    We're cleaning up after the earthquake right now. We're in Sendai, the city that got hit hard. Please don't reply to this, too many emails! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If I believed in a god I'd ask you to pray, but since I don't, fuck it! Haha...



    Speedway on Rakuten

    Speedway on eBay

    Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 17:50:03 -0800

    From: s(((((((((([email protected]

    Subject: hope all is well

    To: [email protected]

    hey Rockin Johny Speedway

    Hope you and the Lofgrens are all safe

    From your Aussie fans


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