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Posts posted by TruMoo

  1. Still boggles my mind that there is a "thicker" one in the group since these groups are generally so looks and body oriented....

    i dont know what happened...she didn't use to be that thick. shit went downhill after "B.O.Y promotions".

    the blond @2:17.. if u dont know


  2. ^^ Why not just use the Native GTalk (google talk) app?

    messed around customizing the Evo again. I think I finally settled on a Home Dock that I like. Much better than the stock one.

    5 home screens now instead of 7

    2 Bottom Row Scrollable docks.

    Clean Home Screen 1



    Home Screen 2


  3. ^ Yes and most importantly the ability to use the MOBILE HOTSPOT for free without having the pay for the 30 dollar monthly fee

    @Herpsky. The applications are backed up automatically in the marketplace. Contacts/Phone numbers are automatically backed up to your gmail address..no?


    For you "Google Voice" users

    Googie Voice Widget extracted from the upcoming "G2". Tested it out on my Evo. works flawlessly.

    http://www.mediafire.com/?huobr5ize0jrvtb (copy and paste that link into your phones browser)


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