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Posts posted by aleopold

  1. it's finally getting ridiculous, and i'm in need of a crotch repair. now, do you guys think there's a simple way for me to repair them myself, or are they in need of a visit to a tailor? how difficult is the 45rpm style repair? would that even work on these? thanks sufu.


  2. thinking about smoking weed, fuck.

    i don't want to go down a path i can never come back from, but i'm curious about different dimensions of the mind and having fun. who knows.

    teenage life.

    you make it sound like a deep dark hole that you'll fall into and never come out of..

  3. i was thinking about emailing ande a few weeks ago to see how/if something like this could ever be set up. i didn't at this point because of all the shit going on down there with the quakes.

    one question, does anyone interested have a special connection to a denim supplier so we can get something that makes this unique from just another pair of whalls? because, to me, that is the intrigue of a contest, something you can't ordinarily get by just ordering a pair from his online store.

    for example; if mike is interested, he could get us some sweet leather for patches.

    edit: sbreslin, lets see the miners

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