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Posts posted by Daaave

  1. Not bad. At the moment I've just been enjoying the uni holidays and experimenting with cheap clothes and a sewing machine while I save up for some major purchases. Apart from maybe a cool vintage watch and some suits I've pretty much got all the clothes I need at the moment, but I kind of feel like I need a perfecto of some sort to complete the look.

    Can't get enough of them Wagyu Jus burgers

  2. On a more fashion related note, I've been slowly trying to find some everyday alternatives to just wearing jeans all of the time, but I don't really dig the whole drop-crotch trouser thing a lot of the guys I see wearing on myself. So I was thinking, what about some slim cargo pants? They've got the whole ultilitarian millitary feel going on, and the pockets can give them a really interesting silhouette.

    I know Julius do some balls awesome ones but my clothing funds aren't really quite at that level right now, do you guys have any ideas as to where I could find some reasonably cool ones?

  3. I personally hate San Churros, but you could try that if you really like thick hot chocolate. I think a lot of the chocolate out these days is too sweet.

    If you need a really good hot chocolate in Perth, there's this little place called Brownhaus in Subiaco that I can't get enough of.

  4. For what it's worth, the forecast's looking relatively fine, if a little chilly.

    Also, Vinnies Retro in Northbridge has recently recieved another lot of donations from Wasteland, so it might be worth checking out. I saw some Whipping Floyd for cheap and I picked up a cool looking shirt from The Injury at a tenth of it's original cost, albeit a cost at Wasteland mark-ups.

  5. Yeah, I have got the most terrible thick white person hair. If I leave it alone for more than a fucking minute it molds into something straight out of the seventies. Put anything more than the tiniest amount of product in it and I start to look like a Leningrad Cowboy. It's ridiculous!

    Cheers for the tip, though, I might give those guys a shot some time.

  6. Recently, I've started going to Head Studio in King Street. Great customer service, not too pricey and they're near all of the good shops so you can have a little bit of a snoop around while you wait for your appointment. Plus they make a nice cup of tea.

  7. :confused::confused::confused: did you forget to log out Daaave and log in as Chuckie or what? :confused::confused::confused:

    I was kind of being sarcastic in the second post but I don't think that translates too well over the internet. Also we don't even know if that's swooc, unless I missed something.

  8. According to the SZ thread they have no access to their website/email accounts, but are trying to get one up ASAP. I'd probably check there for news etc.

    Also, does anybody know what's happening with Vincent & Vincent?

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