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Posts posted by jaac

  1. Desmond episodes are always the shit. Sayid ninja'ing fools was awesome. Still feel as though they should've halved the flash sideways shit and got to the payoff of it all sooner, saying that i'm guessing it will be one of the things after a rewatch of the whole season where you pick up all this little stuff that makes you go "oh...shit."

  2. Ferrari totally shooting themselves in the foot again with Massa holding Alonso up, he's gonna flip his shit soon. I dislike Hamiltons personality but fuck can he drive or what. Gotta say after the first race at Bahrain there has been a lot of overtaking, looks like it should be another really good championship for the 4th year in a row.

  3. That was fucking excellent. That's what every race should be like, best race in ages. So many SMH moments though, webber, random pittings, kobayashi's wing falling off. I bet hamilton flips his shit, his worst weekend in ages haha, questioned by police, fucked qualy and then "whose call was it to bring me in, that was a terrible idea". Kubica always makes me :o

  4. Ordered some Olliver Peoples NDG-1's from smartbuyglasses.com. They sent me a mail saying their out of stock and are chasing them up with a list of options, either waiting,cancelling or changing the order. Anyone know if they are still making the glasses, i'm aware their pretty old. Just curious if anyone else has ordered stuff from these guys before.

  5. Yeh it was..pretty bleh, it was basically a Naomi episode aswell. This season was way darker then the previous but they really need to get some fresh writers, rehashing the depression and mental hospital angle was pretty boring.

    I fucking hated cook in season 3 but i really liked his character in this season and the ending was pretty fitting. Freddy was the worst actor of the group by a fucking mile, man that kid sucked.

    Karen looked fucking hot this episode so i think i could deal with her being the focus of the next two seasons.

  6. My school placement is at a disabled school. I was just sitting watching these kids struggle with really simple tasks and it kinda sunk in how lucky those of us that lead normal lives are.

  7. Bahrain is fucking awful. The tracks so plain to look at aswell, doesn't help the racing was pretty boring aswell. Melbourne should have atleast 1 safetycar which will make things interesting. I'm really not sold on this no refueling, atleast there was some overtaking after the second pitstops due to difference in car weights.

  8. Lotus and Virgin 7 seconds off the pace in FP1, but Hispania with the cake. 3 laps total without setting a time, nice installation laps, then Senna 13 seconds off the pace and Chandhok hasn't done a lap yet.

    Anyone else think they totally fucked the track aswell, S1 is 30 seconds, S2 is 60 and S3 is 23 seconds 0_o.

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