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Posts posted by Mauisnake

  1. not trying to turn this into promo code central, but does anyone know a nike sportswear or just a general nike promo code to get discounts on their website?

  2. its worth going by to try stuff on, but anybody could have told you how your story would end. btw youll have to pay tax too.

    also, you need to update your sufu location to "the manhattan" pronto

    ps - the stoops down again haha

    woops, when i was typing on my phone i was half paying attention due to having to hold my ground against odd future bandwagoners so i accidentally wrote "the manhattan" i guess haha.

    ill take it for $30 above retail mauisnake

    uhh, i was hoping for a local meetup if i could and wanted to sell it for more.

  3. I've been here since 7:45am and I'm still not even in. Just save your time and never camp out. I live in the manhattan so I thought it'd save me money but I could have been begging on the street in this time and made the $10 shipping fee by now. It's just not worth anyone's time to buy it in person.

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