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Posts posted by greasypeanut

  1. try doing the full smolov program, base + intense

    never want to see a barbell again atm

    NOOOOO THANK YOU! lol. i go to the gym cuz i enjoy it, not necessarily cuz of the aesthetic or physical gains. im probably going to drop that whole 20 rep thing once it gets to the point that it hurts days after i do the exercise. hopefully i get to 2 plates before that happens. for that 185, after 10 minutes i was feeling completely normal with no soreness so i still have some ways to go before it starts to really really hurt.

    @bchhun http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/antibodybuilding_hypertrophy_program

  2. tho her dance is whack, minah is cute. and lol at jaekyungs confederate flag shirt. whats with koreans and using stuff that could be considered a no no in the countries where that idea/thing originated. i immediately thought of

    nigger+frog+faggot.jpg koreans lack tact

  3. whoever came up with the idea to do a 20 rep squat was on some crazy shit. i did my first 20 rep set with a serious weight (185) and it was fckin hell. i felt drunk afterwards and almost ran into a smith machine.

  4. how much cardio is too much cardio when it comes to gaining muscle mass but losing fat?

    my body is starting to go bear mode, and id rather not give up beer and in n out to keep my gut small.

    today i rode a bike for 25 minutes "burned" 280 calories and then did a leacto type workout, instead of pullup tho i did ohp and sit ups. 20 sit ups, 10 hang cleans, 8 ohp. did that 6 times in a circuit of 3, 2 ,1 with 65lbs.

    too much? too little?

  5. shady girl is the song of my last hour. im working on memorizing the song now lol. gotta be prepared for noraebang!

    my favorite for the year is strong girl by jewelry. its not one of their promoted singles, so when i heard it at my gym (every single day it seemed) in korea i was like wtf is this. i asked the person at the desk what the song was and the rest was history.


  6. neone have ne funny/stupid stories while working out?

    tonite i was sposed to do 130 for ohp. i put on my weights and get through 5x5 relatively easy. i was extremely stoked since it was my 3rd attempt at 5x5. but then i looked at the weights as i was taking them off to get ready for deads, and it was only 120. math fail. gg.

  7. my only pre workout is water. i used to take all that stuff back in college, and i didnt notice a difference once i stopped taking them all. if nething i felt better because i didnt have that crash afterwards cuz of the caffeine.

  8. stone ipa

    tower 10 ipa

    dos equis amber

    sam adams winter lager

    guinness/bass (black and tan)

    there are beers that i think taste better than these, but they are hard to get, thus they are not my favorites.

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