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Posts posted by greasypeanut

  1. dont forget 4minute! sohyun looks soo good. why must all the cute ones be underage. sohyun, iu, minzy, suzy, sohee


    edit: i dont really follow the k-groups turned j-groups, but i can see how 2ne1 failed while kara and snsd are successful. jpop in general is more cutesy/bubblegum than kpop

  2. soojung u greasynoob

    lol, who the hell is soojung? google or youtube isnt really giving me a singer as a result

    edit: @nesk, i dont think ur going to find an lp....but if ur looking for just a cd single...that shouldnt be too hard to find.

  3. i say the first. im not a big fan of unnatural hair colors. where do u get these images from? just google search? i can never find any decent images that are high res enough for my evo

    edit: not kpop related, but how do u get a "portrait wallpaper" im assuming ur running either adw launcher or launcher pro. i found my new wallpaper http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_livmdlfszY1qbjs6xo1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1301647325&Signature=SdzA%2BHZj1TRoymrNyQdXAB1n5ZM%3D but it only gives me the option to crop it in widescreen mode

  4. is everyone Korean in here besides brane and myself? pretty sure royale is.

    phongables and f50? greasy peanutZ?

    I wasn't aware that any of the regular posters were Korean lol. I think phong is Viet and f50is Japanese.I think we got all the Asian races covered....except Korean.

  5. ^ it says after school right on the pic dawg

    also that stupid girls day song is on repeat now...... THX NARD

    mamamamamamamama i love UUuuuuUU

    lol i know who it was, i just didnt know that her tatas where that big

    and sorry phong :-(

  6. whats wrong with the wristband? it doesnt mention her at all on it, and as long as ALL of the proceeds are going to japan, i think its quite positive. im sure shes well aware of her popularity and shes using it to help raise money.

    k done defending gaga.

    her new song sucks and her showing up in an egg to the grammys. wtf.

  7. so just because snsd released theirs first its lady gaga who plagarized? it was only about two weeks. surely these songs are worked on for periods longer than a few weeks.

    i'm not trying to defend gaga or say im a huge fan, but i give her a lot of respect because aafaik shes one of the few pop stars these days who writes their own songs.

  8. g.na! how much does it cost to see them tittays in real life?!?!?!

    edit: too expensive just to see those 3. who else is going to be there? 2ne1? snsd? the problem is having to sit through all those old people sing :-\

    Pool Circle $275

    Garden Boxes $175

    Side/Ramp Seats $150

    Terrace Boxes $150

    E & D Sections $100

    Super Seats $100

    K1-3, J2, G2, F1-3 $70

    N1-3, M1-3 $50

    P1-3, L1-3 $35

    T1-2, S, R1-3 $35

    U1-3, Q1-3 $25

    X1-2, W1-3, V1-2 $20


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