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Posts posted by spudeey

  1. Can anyone point me in the direction of a theme that just has your name and about me at top, white background, and doesn't show the post notes and dates and what not until you scroll over the post. I see stuff similar a lot but I'm assuming they make their theme, which I am clueless on how to do.

    Apologize in advance for stupidity/noobness.

  2. Hey guys, I found out I'll be going to Montreal in late May/ early June with my family and am trying to build up an itinerary. I'll look through this thread to build up some stuff, but can anyone offer me recs for shopping/food/what to do/see?

    My french is not strong at all, I take it at my high school but it's a joke. Will we be okay without it? Will people be mad if I speak butchered french?

    If theres anything cool going on(festivals, concerts, museum events) that you guys know of from the 27th to June 4th let me know. Also, how is the weather then?

  3. I remember going to an under aged drinking class (got busted at a party)

    Some random dirtbag in the corner goes "I smoked for 12 years. Quit cold turkey. Easiest thing I ever did." I'm like yeah what ev, what are you even doing here you're like 35. This aint no smoking class.

    Hey I'm in on of those classes too; Some interesting times in there haha.

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