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Posts posted by albinolove

  1. apartamento is nice. specimen has been getting very good, the graphic design has improved a lot articles still interesting.


    picked up brownbook for the first time and that was pretty good although it seems like they occassionally favor breadth over depth despite their themed issues.

  2. Have a wedding coming up that calls for a tuxedo. Are there any options for higher-end rentals (lol) or should I just bite the bullet and buy one new?


    Anyone have experience buying second hand off the market and then tailoring?


    Do I just say fuck it and come in jordan socks/sandals + jordan shorts + foot locker white tee? I want to be comfortable since it will be a long event but i think there might be congressmen there. Please advise

  3. Honestly you should be embarrassed that you bought a blackberry in 2014, but just in case you aren't, here's the type of person who owns that phone:


    just bought this phone, it's an "Hell of money", it cost me 2350euros in my country, and I drive a car from 1230 euros ;-)...can't believe this, how far went mobile tech. if it continues like this it will cost like an hole house or building :-)


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