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Posts posted by albinolove

  1. i picked these up right away to replace my UVC's.. the color is much more vibrant and material is heavier and more crisp. legs are more tapered as well. sorry no photos, but will try to get some up soon!

    post dat fit

  2. You think $20 an hour is balling? There are people who make that per minute, and they aren't even the super rich.

    Also, why do you think that anyone would want to read a screenplay written by a semi-literate high school dropout raised in privilege.

    I'm sorry, since when is over $630,000,000/year not considered "super rich"?

  3. The hardware is capable of multitouch, but due to some patent bullshit the official browser for the US version of the phone doesn't support it. Other third party applications can use multitouch, and apparently there is a third party browser that supports multitouch but I haven't downloaded it yet.

    On another note, the voice recognition is pretty fucking amazing. I have been writing entire text messages by speaking the content and there only seem to be minimal errors. It doesn't support swear words though. It replaced my text in that last post to "#### is so cash". Weird.

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