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Posts posted by albinolove

  1. their mid to top tier silverware is actually pretty good. i'm very satisfied with the DATA stuff

    Restaurant wholesalers are the best for quality cheap silverware/dishware. You can walk out of one with everything you need for well under $100.

    The only problem is you need a tax id (any kind of business) and some might have minimum purchase requirements (the few around me don't).

  2. Dom- Nice mix man. You put me on Octa Push and Alan Gay.

    shincrono- That zinc wile out joint is really good. I like it more than I probably should.

    Hopefully I'll overcome laziness and make a mix for January. I've been finding a lot of new stuff (for me) lately...exploring different genres and musical directions and shit. I love winter break.

  3. Hey happy christmas and holidays n shit. All you motherfuckers are good in my book.

    High school bitches that won't get down and college bitches who are frigid and shit we still get that ass. true story tho


    love yall no homo

  4. 12des10.jpg

    two days ago.

    don't u know youre supposed to look melancholy and brooding when swagged out in RO?

    better learn how to wipe that goddamn smirk off your face. I hear kunk offers online classes for a nominal fee...

  5. NiKE7UP. Chopped and screwed, slowed down, distorted as shit pop songs. Was gonna post in what are you listening at, but these the video/music combos are so incredibly fucked up, I felt they belong here:



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