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Posts posted by illkid

  1. I deleted my previous comment.

    But I still don't get this:

    You went to the Chanel store and spoke with a manager. When the manager of Chanel looked at this watch, they would have said one of two things:

    1. It's fake

    2. It's real

    If anyone in the world would be able to spot a fake Chanel watch, it would be the manager of a Chanel store.

    You're saying that the manager didn't tell you it was fake?

    If the manager thought it was real, then it seems to me that's one of the highest authorities you will find in terms of authenticating the watch.

    Something happened as a result of you going to the Chanel store that got your paypal account suspended.

    I'm not taking either side or stirring the pot, there are just some things here that don't add up.

    If I took a fake Rolex to a Rolex dealer and asked a manager about it, he would take one look and say, 'this is fake' and then explain why.

    And that would be the end of it.

    How did you take a fake Chanel watch to a Chanel store and get out of there without the manager explaining to you that it's a fake? I just don't get it.

    may be like lv, they never tell you weather this is fake or not. btw. the manger did not tell me this is fake , she just sent it to the back of store,and sooner told me that the links were not the same and they did not have the tools. and i said ,this was bought in long time ago, links might change. the she told me i had to send it to HK CHANEL STORE. since buyer cancel the transaction , since he would not want to take risk.

  2. pls read carefully! chanel store did not tell me this was fake! they just told me that this j12 links were not as same as those in store so they do not have tools to add it. (the manager also check the leather box and warranty card, she did not say anything)since i was told that this is fake(see the comment ). i did not reply any PM.

    i m not a chanel expert. i realised this is a fake since i received comment!!

    and i do not think many people here can distinguish them.(that 's why i bought from KEN, if anyone replied that was fake, i won't buy it )

    i just want to tell people be careful those AAA,AAA+ j12

    if i want sell this fakeshit, why do i spend so much time writing these words.

    btw, the point is that KEN S sold the fakeshit to me.


  3. hello, everyone,

    here i have trade problem with id:ken shinoda . This is about almost 3000 CAD and personal reputation. please help me!!

    I bought chanel j12 from ken shinoda (his thread: www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=140209). since i really trust him, and he told me that his paypal was unable to use. Then, i sent him money though bank wire transfer(HIGH RISK). i got the watch on 30th december 2008. i did not go to chanel boutique to check it immediately because i thought that there is no fake in supremarket, i bought a lot of things here and every time i got a happy ending. after one month, i really need cash, so i put it on ebay. and someone in toronto bided it, then we went to chanel store on bloor ST to check its authenticity. however, the manger of chanel said the links were not as same as those in store and they cannot add links. because of it, my paypal account was suspended. i still believe the watch was real, because chanel carried j12 every year. the links of watches may change and the most important supporting point:The certificate's number and the watch's number is the same! then i put it on supermaket, sooner, i received comment:

    latest reputation receivedposted by


    FS: Chanel J12 Black...

    03-26-09 08:45 AM


    fake shit

    suddenly, i realised that this may be fake one. and i did not reply anyone who was interested in it because i did not want to sell fake. during this time, i sent a lot of emails to KEN SHINODA. He did not replied a word. this was first time i met such situation, and i did not what should i do. and i did not have enough evidences which can prove this is fake. and i decided to give up. since this thing, i did not log in suprermarket anymore, in september, i just want to buy something and i logged in supermarket, just curiosity, i viewed KEN SHINODA’s profile and found he was still active. i was really angry, and i kept ask myself: why not fight for my money? then i spent lots of time searching the evidence and finally i thought i had enough evidence. the day before yeasterday, i PM ken and he replied me: The certificate's number and the watch's number is the same! How the hell would a fake have a serial number?

    ok, let me tell you: what you sold to me was AAA fake. every one has unique certificate’s number, which is as same as the number at back of watch. they used the almost same materials (slightly different, i mean the J12 H0685 without diamond). the only difference was the links. after research, i found the links of j12 did not change. the j12 which produced in 2001 should be as same as the one you can buy in chanel store. and AAA+ fake have the same links. i searched at least 100 websites and i still could not tell you how to distinguish them. they have the same links.


    links problem.

    most AAA or AAA+ FAKE was “bought” from prince BLDG and legit famous watch shops in HK. please be careful.

    fake receipt (http://p3.images22.51img1.com/6000/tanjinrai/387b5b22a083b66be6c9f71b9ba480a6.jpg)

    AAA+ fake ( http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hongyun2000.cn/syssite/home/shop/1/pictures/productsimg/big/261_20071017022413_5.jpg&imgrefurl=http://youa.baidu.com/item/0344b6739008c5cb2132ca34&usg=__fVCE_onE4vY7So9TU26ghA3wyS0=&h=480&w=640&sz=100&hl=zh-CN&start=29&um=1&tbnid=7o3BSbu54pl35M:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCHANEL%2Bj12%2B%25E5%258F%2591%25E7%25A5%25A8%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:zh-CN:official%26hs%3D9Hv%26sa%3DN%26start%3D21%26um%3D1 )

    SO, ken, please return my money. i ‘m not kidding. i m fucking serious.

    every word i said above is 100% true. (if you doubt anything, say it, i will show you evidence. i kept all mails , pm recods bank wire transfer receipt. anything)

    AT LAST. if i lied, i would give KEN 3000CAD for compensation and never showed up, and go to hell.


    TAO D.

    WATCH LINKS:3974317009_6cb2b82442.jpg


    real one:DSC_7480.jpg




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