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Posts posted by deadendpro

  1. WHOA!!!! Easy there Lando! dude, T5 (usually) brings HEAT! Benny is easily one of the top influential business owners supporting these brands and i dont really think the dual patches or new arcuate of T5 looks all that bad.... oh who am i kidding, the new arc isnt as dope as their last one was, but thats beyond the point. They have decided to take a fit that everyone knows and loves and make a collab out of it. I'll hold my opinions on how it looks till later but for now i really wouldnt see a problem with it aside from how it got around Giles.

  2. Hi all,

    I'd like some opinions on the Triple works for Ladies.. I've seen them brand new and the denim looks great! Also the fit seems to be really nice. But I'd like to know how they wear. If anyone has pictures, I'd love to see them..


    They only recently introduced them. I would head to http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?board=13.0 to see some feedback about the Triple Works brand in general. All i can say is that being a subsidiary of Works Inc., its made to last and is of the highest quality. If you need any other help, ask beatle and landocal126, perhaps the 2 closest to TW without actually working for them.

  3. Kiya, oh wonderful Kiya. I know you will pull though and have an entire bag full of special treats to celebrate this thing called life in the form of special run items. Hope you are good and i hope you havent stressed out Demetira (god i hope i spelled her name correctly) too much. Relax and hope to see ya soon man.

  4. Pics or they never happened (10).

    Kiya's word is GOD!

    and Ed, TH is The Hundreds... its not sufu related and thus probably wont have their own thread here.

    But Kiya, DAMN! SELA is looking quite snazzy! now i wont have to settle for punk ass malls when i head to So-Cal, i can peep SELF EDGEEEEEE!!!!!

  5. The SEXIH07 denim was unsanforized 19oz denim, thus, with the indigo models after shrinking, they likely had leg twist. The OD versions probably had some sort of leg twist as they indigo dying process is done at very hot temperatures.

    The 634SR was another pair of unsanforized denim which is bound to have some leg twist, however, as it is wider than the normal 634S it probably seems less pronounced (not to mention the denim would be getting much of your attention)

    The Devils Fit will be an 18oz unsanforized denim as well, due to it being a slim slim slim cut, it will most likely have leg twist similar to a Flat Head 3001.

    I hope this answered some questions.

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