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Posts posted by tylortakahisa

  1. Part of the Sound and Fury lineup is out. Looks pretty promising so far!


    Feel like n idiot for living so close and slacking the last two years so I think I'll be going

    stoked for:

    Alpha and Omega

    Bitter End


    Cold World

    Cruel Hand


    Reign Supreme


    Wisdom In Chains

    I'm sure there will be a bunch of other sick bands too!

    Also, copping a tic to the comeback kid ten year anniversary tour at Chain.

    Super excited, there playing all of Turn it Around and Wake the Dead

    Still bump those records all the time and still have the CDs

  2. ^^^

    Who is that supposed to be?

    I'm pretty unfamiliar with the storyline but it looks promising (hopefully better than Origins)

    Anyone have any ideas about what other mutants r gonna b in this one?

    I guess husk and that arrow guy, they already used lady deathstrike (if shes's in the japan storyline)

  3. TL300807049.jpg

    No 1000 Sunny?? n is that one of the models you build yourself?

    Does it end up like a gundam: way sicker on the pics on the box and looks crappy when you build it?

    stepping up my op pirate ship game in the near future

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