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Posts posted by tylortakahisa

  1. still a few episodes behind.......most has already been spoiled -__-


    but on the bright side i just found out that hank was in tim and eric



    finished............satisfied and left empty now:(

  2. goddamn that cervelo is beautiful, does that rotor crank feel any different than a regular one?

    always been curious


    been gettin in miles, feels way better with each ride


    anyone doin the nyc century soon?

  3. nice!  seems pretty ready. r u running a full campy group on it?


    just went out for the 1st time in forever yesterday after an endless oddesy of bike repairs/running/laziness it

    i did a ride i used to do pretty regularly and it kicked my ass, gotta get back in the swing of things i guess


    is anyone on strava?

  4. Gantz ending is the most disappointing finish in Manga history... until Berserk ends.


    agreed :( it had so much promise!  until the alien invasion Gantz was awesome then it kind of fell apart.  To many loose ends as well.........quite the let down


    I have a little more hope for berserk, I don't know if I can handle a crappy finish from that

  5. red eyes tho?

    hazy on whole dofp story


    who does that make the guy next to him? can't be cable..............?



    i really want one of those posters

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